Praise And Testimonials


Always Made Up To Read Your Comments…!

Testimonials And Praise

My readings have recently been reviewed on The Numinous by Elyssa Jakim – lovely insight into my offering!

What others had to say…


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I received your lovely reading and thoroughly enjoyed it!

I had this yummy sort of feeling while reading it, kind of like when I am doing an amazing yoga pose and fully feeling the goodness of it. I love your work! Your reading was wonderful, very insightful and definitely on point. It was a pleasant surprise that you went into transits and other points on my chart other than the beauty/fashion elements. Very thorough!
My favorite part was learning about the colors and the keywords you gave for the different signs’ beauty/fashion style. That was wonderful and I totally relate. It’s so funny/crazy because the photos you pulled from my Instagram absolutely align with what you said!
I guess I was already tapping into my star sign style but maybe not consciously. I am so glad I did this because now I am going to be more aware of my inner star style and embrace it. Or own it, as I like to say (I’m always working on that!). You have such a lovely, nurturing and optimistic energy and I totally felt it coming through in the reading.
I’d love to give my feedback as one astrologer to another 🙂 I have to say I am always amazed that there is always something new to learn and each astrologer has a unique way of presenting the information and your wording is very poignant. I feel choice of words is one of the most important things in a reading and you were able to really capture the essence of the various components. I was expecting a guide of sorts and I feel that is what I got. I was not expecting the depth you went into, which again was a lovely surprise! I also really enjoyed how you approached the reading, using the rising sign and venus and mars and the midheaven as the main points. I never thought of integrating all of them for appearance/style/beauty but it makes so much sense!
I just want to thank you again for the reading and for such a quick turnaround time. I absolutely adore the collage you made with my chart, very unique and made me feel all warm and fuzzy 🙂
I admire your website very much and as a budding astrologer (I definitely have been answering the calling and am beginning my own practice integrating astrology with herbal medicine, my other passion) I look up to your work!
Many blessings, love and light your way,

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