What is Horary Astrology?

There are many different types of astrology, and astrologers that practice in different areas with a variety of specialisms.

What Is Horary Astrology?

Horary astrology is a type of astrology that attempts to answer questions, constructing a horoscope based on the time the question is asked of the astrologer.

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It could be a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ but more often than not, people seek out the guidance of an astrologer with far more insight required…

Horary astrology has its own system, and different areas of the chart reveal different matters – for example legal matters, marriage, home and work.

My recommended go-to astrologer for is Sue Ward, based in Suffolk in the UK.

Sue is a practitioner and teacher of traditional Horary astrology, and regularly locates lost items, confirms or denies rumours for querants or find the outcomes of circumstances concerning relationships, employment, education – virtually everything!

She has clients throughout the world and you can visit her website here.

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