Start Here! Introducing Your Zodiac Style Guide…

Star Sign Style is here to help you explore the styles of the star signs, the twelve archetypes from Aries through to Pisces…

But don’t stop at just one Star Sign Style! You’re a beautiful blend of a Moon SignVenus Sign and Rising Sign, as well as the zodiac sign you know and love…

Astrology And Style…

You might find that your zodiac sign totally resonates, representing your personality perfectly – describing the way you dress up and fitting your fashion and beauty traits.

However, astrology goes much deeper, and you may want to look at your birth chart to learn even more about your unique driving forces…

Your birth or natal chart show your combination of star signs, reflecting the planetary positions at your birth.

There maybe one zodiac sign that’s dominant – or more than likely there’s quite a few that feature!

Astrology and fashion both express our true essence, it’s who we are – on the inside expressed on the outside!

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This water sign presides over dreams, sleep and our nightwear!

Our dress helps us show what’s going on inwardly, giving the world an image through our personal appearance and style. If we’re growing or changing drastically it may show through a dramatic change in style or a transformation in our appearance.

Astrology helps us describe and recognise our inner essence with words, character and personality traits, and even help us to understand the changes underway too…

In working with astrology and aesthetics, it’s my belief that we look amazing dressing up in the style of our Rising Sign.

I think we can dress for our Moon Sign at home, and are super comfortable when wearing fashion styles that chime with that sign among our family, close friends and inner circle.

We generally dress and buy things with our Venus Sign in mind, especially the make-up we wear and clothes we put on when we’re out to impress. Our Sun sign’s fashion flair is our default, and the look we grow with.

By expressing the many facets of ourself I believe we can communicate our multi-dimensial personalities!

So, if you’re a Pisces with your Moon in Scorpio remember your deep red lipstick – it will show the side that’s simmering beneath the surface…


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