Tips From A Master, Thierry Chow’s Feng Shui Fashion Advice!

Feng Shui Master Thierry Chow breaks down color and texture for Star Sign Style...

Thierry Chow is probably the most stylish Feng Shui Master in the world!

So who better to break down Feng Shui Fashion Advice for Star Sign Style’s savvy readers?

The main point of feng shui is to make people happy, to give a sense of comfort and peace of mind.

It’s very much a practice designed to raise personal awareness, helping individuals become aware of themselves and their surroundings. Part of this is about surrounding yourself with the right people, for example, but it can also be as subtle as surrounding yourself with the right colors.

Feng Shui is a practice that’s similar to exercise and healthy eating, it takes time and is a natural way to enhance one’s overall wellness. It is the relationship between environment and human, and it all goes back to caring for ourselves through recognizing the effects our environment has on us.

The most fulfilling part of the job is helping the individual on their journey of growing awareness, as well as my personal path to bring feng shui up to date and yet still honour its traditions.

One of the ways I’m able to do this is through incorporating colours into daily life and fashion.

Feng Shui Fashion Advice – Color And Style…

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Different colours represent the five elements in feng shui and there are one or two particular colours will be most compatible with each individual.

You can insert those colours into your choice of clothes, accessories, hair colour, apartment furniture, walls and even business surroundings!

  • Vibrant Colors give off a more positive energy, and it’s likely to spread. When I am wearing something that makes me feel positive I know other people can feel it too.

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  • Gentle Pastel Colors are ….
  • Dark colors are…

Elements Of Style – Five Feng Shui Color Palettes

  • Wood: green or anything that references the natural world, including branches, leaves or flowers are considered ‘wood’ element
  • Fire: red, purple, pink or orange along with pointy shapes or anything relating to digital prints are ‘fire’
  • Earth: brown, sandy tones, yellow, grey, marble prints or even dog motifs
  • Metal: shades of silver, gold, copper or white and metallic accessories, preferably in circular shapes, work for “metal”
  • Water: blue, black or ocean prints are considered ‘water’.

Thierry’s new book Love and Fate 愛情玄學指南 is out now!




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