Winter Solstice Horoscope And The Great Conjunction…

Cosmic events for Monday December 21st 2020 – it's Major!

Sun into Capricorn, meets Mercury 5.02 am EST – Winter Solstice

Jupiter in Aquarius meets Saturn in Aquarius 11.15 am EST – The Great Conjunction

By December 21st Jupiter & Saturn will both have moved into Aquarius and on this day – December 21st – they meet at the initial degree of this logical, progressive zodiac sign, as Jupiter begins to move ahead of cool, slow moving Saturn…

The move from Capricorn to Aquarius will be a momentous shift in the stars that brings change to us individually and collectively, giving us a chance to up-level a particular area of our life and face facts.

However today is Winter Solstice – the Sun moves into Capricorn, accompanying Mercury already weaving through this conservative, stoic sign. This is almost a bridge, transitioning us from Capricorn terrain, and into Aquarius’s space…

From business, power and politics into realism in our communities, taking a good look at social issues with a more thoughtful outlook – the human issues and what the people want.

Capricorn Season gives us a final month to wave good bye to the themes that have dominated 2020!


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your ambitious tenth house and delivers a month to prioritize career, your reputation and outwards facing image, Aries.

It’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s been accomplished in 2020, with professionalism and those endeavors that have dominated.

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your community-oriented house of teamwork.

A major shift in the stars is being ushered in – for the next three years a sense of friendship and unity may teach you plenty, with online or IRL experiences to relish in a crowd or group setting and 2021 is especially pertinent for these themes …

Relationships: Notice who or what you gravitate towards that brings you together with people, Aries. As giant Jupiter and slow moving Saturn tour your eleventh house of networking and community it’s a fine time to tune your attention to friends! Today is especially pertinent with these two slow moving giants bonded together, so that this signature is strong individually and collectively.

How might you help humanity? What are your hopes for the collective, your group and where might team spirit be called for? Make the most of human connection, your circle of peers, and what society at large calls you to do…

Mingle with friendly acquaintances and consider you might have a big challenge ahead to champion as a crew…

Career: As the Sun now tours Capricorn it’s a time to prioritize career, reputation and your ambitious nature, Aries. Put some final pillars in place that build upon what you’ve worked so diligently towards in 2020…

Your tenth house of notoriety, success, vocational aims & advancement has played host to masses of action, and you can now take up space professionally, acknowledging your place at the grown ups table.

Notice the ease with which you now sit in your responsibility, and the long-term transformations around your career or worldly image.

It’s a day to claim your seat, but equally possessing the humility to know you don’t know it all… Show command and grace in your outwards guise.


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your house of higher thought, truths, beliefs, education, travel, adventure & broadcasting. It’s an excellent time to reflect and think about all that’s been discovered in 2020!

Focus on your adventure, journey, quest or cultural experience that has dominated – the course, belief system, vision, projects or plans.

Personal development, growth and your knowledge may now be considerable, so lean in to final realizations on your path…

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your reputable house of career, outward impressions, goals and success, so that you may be fixated on your path to progress or the way you’re perceived in the public eye.

Relationships: Though it’s Capricorn Season your ruling planet Venus lingers in Sagittarius, so you enjoy collaborative efforts, coming together to take yourself and your involvements seriously, even getting vulnerable with others…

Relish deepening your bonds, commitments, and investments; think of how you share or rely on outside influences to sustain you, working with external forces (people, institutions or a family unit), and where you might shift or adjust your expectations…

Feel good about a way forward with another.

Career: As giant Jupiter and slow moving Saturn tour your tenth house there’s considerable focus on where you’re headed, and how you might strategize your ascent ahead…

Pay attention to how you’re seen in your vocational role and in the public eye, and how you might expand your options and uphold a more responsible post!

Take up space, professionally – for the remainder of 2020 and 2021 – planning to be visible, successful, praised by those that are higher up or that matter to you. Welcome maturity around your reputation!


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates a focus on sustaining partnerships, and delivers a month to prioritize trust, commitment, mergers and mutual gains…

You may know what it takes to unify and collaborate, paying what’s due or returning what’s owed, showing up for another, investing your energy. It’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s been accomplished in this area in 2020, within relationships or on a steep and steady climb that’s dominated.

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your globally focused house of exploration, knowledge seeking and truths, so you could be ready to appear and step out, teaching or learning something, exploring an area that’s to be a pertinent theme in 2021!

A major shift in the stars is underway, expect fresh thinking and different perspectives to help you personally develop and grow…

Relationships: Consider all aspects and facets of how you deal within one-to-ones, Gemini, as the Sun and Mercury now tour Capricorn spotlighting your ability to take entanglements and investments seriously – sharing secrets, space or simply encountering deeper levels in your unions.

Notice all that’s been overcome, and even endured with a partner in 2020…

Venus in Sagittarius and your relationship sector sweetens your dealings, so that any birthing pangs fade from memory – you might only have pleasing sentiments now, eager to get along with a co-pilot or mate!

Career: As giant Jupiter and slow moving Saturn tour your house of visionary pursuits there maybe something calling you to learn, or engage further, it may be time to extend yourself beyond usual parameters, to go the distance via another culture, specialist subject, place or other growth opportunity.

Look online or talk to a partner about what’s stirring…

Gaze towards opportunities to connect to someone or someplace beyond yourself that inspires you, people or specialist interests that are unusual – even a legal or religious encounter that helps you see the world through a different lens. Education, expansion, and a journey that’s outside your usual framework and knowledge can begin to feel (the very first inklings of being) established.

There may be, a plan, project or something meaningful that asks you to hone your interest or step into the unknown.


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your house of intimate personal encounters, and delivers a month to prioritize partnerships on your horizon, Cancer.

It’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s been accomplished in 2020, in tandem with another, and the relationship issues that have dominated (professional, platonic or romantic).

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your house of long-term investments, so that you’re able to take the ‘next steps’ with another. Tune in to what’s on the table, asking you to take it seriously, Crab – a contract, verbal bind, financial bond or commitment could be touched upon that forces you to put your money where your mouth is…

Relationships: There’s attention on the way you handle one-to-ones, Cancer, and it’s time to take relationships seriously. All kinds of personal encounters could loom large, spotlighting your ability to take responsibility (perhaps with the help of a professional, coach or therapist). Bolster the matter of relationships, remembering what you’ve learnt, who you respect or revere, and what others bring out in you.

Though you’ve been doing just that this year, now you’re to consider what you can build together – from a legacy, to a sound investment, to a sure thing like inheritance, a business pact, or simply intimacy, trust and marvelous moments; a strong bond and a partnership to last a lifetime.

There may be certain individuals in your midst calling you now, from a parent that needs your support or buy in, to an investor or business partner, to a spouse or friend; consider those before you with both eyes open.

You may have to get in touch with fears and vulnerabilities!

Career: The astrological lovers boost your professional life, with Venus in Sagittarius and your house of health and lifestyle, helping you recognize the benefits of a sound habitual practice and daily routine, and Mars in your visible tenth house of ambition.

Drive forth aims and personal agendas but importantly what you might enjoy cultivating day-to-day that supports your reputation and image…

The way you live well (and notions of what’s best for you daily) is emphasized – visualize your next career move, health kick or ways you can relish being usefully employed, in a position of service, at your best setting to work…


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your sector of work, health, maintenance and routine, making it an ideal time to be in your stride, elevating everyday commitments & healthy, practical agendas.

Jupiter and Saturn are arm-in-arm, now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your house of partners. One-to-one relationships are asking you to take them seriously, so pay attention to the individuals that stick out, and encourage you to hold your own…

You may be about to embark on an experience that teaches you plenty, with matters of human relations to explore.

Relationships: As giant Jupiter and Saturn have inched into your house of partnering you’ll likely be willing to take a much more formal look at who you’re dating… Be open to the lessons the stars are proposing

As Venus is still in Sagittarius you’re likely inspired by – and enjoying – your passions as well as creative projects, the things you love and adore that make your heart race! Look to the plans and opportunities before you that bring out your enthusiasm, and the folk that might make a great team player and partner – from an opponent (in your favorite game of strategy) to a colleague, business ally or client with potential! Take encounters one-on-one seriously…

Career: As the Sun now tours Capricorn it’s a time to prioritize work and wellbeing; you can drill down into job or working practices (or healthy routines) cultivated, which have dominated this year.

You may have cut out toxicity (people, places or environments), tackled sickness, or poor habits, and now find you’re usefully employed in the right circumstances, role, regime or position.

Find you’re grounded comfortably in your position; lean into tasks, toil, and labor, and the business of maintenance – the repetitive consistency and sense of organization in your everyday, noticing what’s worked well for you, Leo.


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your house of creativity, love, and personal gratification, and delivers a month to prioritize your desires, what you enjoy and who you adore…

It’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s been accomplished in 2020, with themes or interests (including a lover) that’s dominated your heart…

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your organized house of duty, service, employment & daily toil–the sector of health, work & wellbeing. It might be time to take a serious look at how you manage, day-to-day, and turn a passion project into something real…

Relationships: The Capricorn Sun lights up your fertile fifth house of creativity, romance, passion and self-expression – you might like to elevate or intensify the matter of love, and your affections, with themes such as conception, pregnancy, and sexuality on the cards.

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The celestial focus lands on your ability to have a good time and celebrate matters of the heart, and how far you’ve come thanks to your efforts over the long term…Indulge a sense of play or stimulate your artistic, creative side!

Career: The remainder of the year and 2021 direct focus and emphasis towards consistency across your habits, Virgo, with time to develop into a regular practice or routine (think diet, fitness, or your approach to your workload).

Consider how you might find a positive stride, cultivating positive lifestyle choices, and the way you live day-to-day and cope with the little things (spinning a few plates at once!)

Note your employment or usual regime and support systems on offer; think about work and wellbeing, and what’s best for you around domestic chores, assistance, help and the role you uphold.

Take responsibility for the job you do but also fill the gaps if you need a helping hand. Lend enthusiasm to the tasks, and you’ll not go wrong…


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your zone of home, and delivers a month to prioritize matters in your inner world. Your emotional life, family or domesticity may loom large, with awareness of authentic feelings, and your approach to parenting or household matters.

Even your land or the place you stand could present a sense of accomplishment thanks to a momentous 2020; it’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s occurred in the last year, with themes around security that have dominated.

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your sector of personal gratification, fertility and conception, so that you might be getting serious about a plan, project or endeavor that requires your heart…

Relationships: A formal, mature approach to things you love works well for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021 and beyond (thanks to Saturn-Jupiter), with the stern taskmaster and enthusiastic giant slowly touring this sector of children, hobbies, dating and creativity.

What might you take responsibility around and improve? Consider what you find fun, enjoyable, and how you have a good time – your ruler Venus is in agreement with the planetary pairing, so you might be bursting with good ideas and great rapport… Notice what you’re inclined to put your heart into, taking your love life seriously!

Perhaps you’re keen to take a formal, mature approach to your kids, pregnancy, sexuality or dating! You might find you’re welcoming a formal approach to collaborations, knowing how to work around a partner…

Career: Gaining stability or security might now be something to work towards, Libra, as Capricorn Season is now in session, so you’re encouraged to makes ties to your foundations, and all that’s underfoot.

Experiences within your four walls may have been momentous and tremendous this year, with three slow moving planets unearthing plenty to contend with at home. Lean in to your emotional life, home or domesticity, enhancing the sensation of comfort. Parenting, or certain sensitivities could be touched upon, so you’re able to see growth and progress in your inner world.

Appreciate lessons around your security, your ability to feel comfortable and at home, noticing your own emotional resilience and firm foundations.


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your house of contact and connection, speech, tone and navigation, and delivers a month to prioritize being in touch with the right people…

It’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s been accomplished, appreciating the tight knit circle around you, Scorpio in 2020, with themes have dominated.

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your zone of home, parenting, land and lineage, so that you could be inclined to step back to address matters of security, your place (home), and domesticity.

There may be a formal tone you’re able to employ in your private life, so sink back into new responsibilities and all that’s underfoot…

Relationships: The emotional realms of family life and your home begin to gain momentum or importance, with Saturn and Jupiter’s entry into your foundational fourth house, Scorpio. Arm-in-arm with the Jupiter, the stern taskmaster sets up ready to establish roots or address where you live with a tour that eventually brings a sense of accomplishment, and realizations about where you’re from.

Today, notice you’re surroundings and relationship to parents, as you stand at the start of this considerable journey. Be ready, willing and open to allow your approach to matters underfoot to be elevated, now & in the year ahead.

Career: Capricorn Season and Mercury in Capricorn makes for an auspicious time to elevate contact and connection, spurring on your capacity to relate, navigate and mobilize among neighbors.

Note the ways you’re in touch with kindred spirits, the ties that are enduring, secure and, that encourage you to express yourself with authenticity.

You may have leveled up your proficiency to talk aloud, drive or make your way around your neighborhood this year and last, with 2020 inviting you to be genuine in language, writing and communication skills.

Recall opportunities to develop a strong mindset and even to position yourself as a news source or an important friend now, and leverage your connections. Claim your voice and your position within your inner circle…


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your house of salary, savings, sustenance, and contribution, and delivers a month to prioritize your value (and ways your role has changed).

It’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s been accomplished in 2020, with financial or issues around personal income that have dominated.

Jupiter & Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your relational house of skills building, learning, siblings and navigation, helping you level up with awareness on your local contacts and connection to others.

As the end of 2020 draws near you can take your curiosities and interests seriously, with a formal approach to reading, writing and literacy. Perhaps you’ll meet a new close knit circle that introduce concepts that inspire your way of thinking and mindset.

Relationships: Invite your closest friends (with something in common) towards you, Sagittarius, as your ruling planet takes up a post in your third house of contact and connection.

Be inclined to grow more aware of similarities with those around you! Your ability to communicate, and express yourself is getting to be more important, so be prepared to explore your options, thoughtfully, honing in on particular areas of interest, willing to take them seriously. Next year will allow you to enhance certain skills – make ties now!!

Career: 2020 has been a big year to consider themes around your income, stability and self worth and today the spotlight of the Sun – and engaging, relational touch of Mercury – elevate the you uphold your position and earn a living.

In the month ahead there’s a practical emphasis surrounding professional matters, money-making, and the material considerations that have been pertinent in the past twelve months or more, so think about your position and its rewards.

All you’ve worked hard to see come to pass is now given prominence, so appreciate what’s in hand, growth around your input, and what you have and cherish.


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – delivers a month to prioritize you, Mountain Goat – to see yourself as the Greatest of All Time (GOAT!!)

2020 has likely been a momentous for your solo endeavors, so reflect and think over all that’s been accomplished. Take a generous moment to really muse over your epic year…

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your house of cash, belongings, sustenance and earnings, so that salary matters or anything to do with your input and contribution could start to feel more serious. It’s OK to hold back just a little, with Venus touring your twelfth house of healing and transitions… Escape your usual workload to get fresh perspective!

Relationships: You’re given license to seek attention, Capricorn appreciating just how far you’ve come this year and in recent years. Acknowledge your growth spurt and your presence, at ease talking about your solo journey and the feats that have showed you who you are at your core, and what you’re capable of.

The Sun and Mercury now appear in your sign, and so too does the mic get passed your way… Speak up for all to hear!

You may have been utterly tested and pushed to your limits in a multitude of ways but where have gifts and treasures appeared, even if they were disguised as hardship? Allow others to gravitate towards you, rather than seeking out meaningful relationships to rely on…

Career: Strategize your financial position from behind the scenes, Capricorn, as your ruling planet Saturn moves through your practical second house of earnings, wealth and financial concerns.

You now stand at the start of a three year cycle that intends to formalizes all you do to build yourself up and feel competent in money matters, encompassing what you do, how you make a living or derive income…

You may be embarking on a new chapter for your position, with consideration in the material realms motivating you.

Lean in using intuition to guide you…


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your twelfth house and delivers a month to prioritize closure, healing, and transitions. It’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s been accomplished in 2020, with the tectonic shifts that have dominated.

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of your sign, Aquarius, signaling a time of elevated responsibility, and a new chapter to embrace! Saturn visits our own sign once every 29 years, and so for the next three you can find maturity and wisdom bestowed upon you…

Find the balance between embarking on a new journey, and wrapping up the past…

Relationships: Take a step back and catch your breath, yielding to peace and quiet, and low key pursuits as Capricorn Season lights up secrets, solitude and self-sabotage, heightening the focus and themes that have loomed large this year.

2020 might have seen you work through heavy issues with time to heal, moving through a passage others can’t see.

Be at ease with the last moments of solitude, sacrificing yourself behind the scenes, Aquarius, working through remaining tasks or preparing and gestating for what’s next, creating shifts that others can’t fathom, ready for the next chapter…

Steer your gaze inwards, towards the hidden realms of quiet contemplation, and charity; dig deep into your inner resources, noticing how much you’ve overcome this year and last in your private life, dealing with the hand life dealt…

Career: Life hands you the reigns and an opportunity to step into maturity, to grow up a little – or a lot, Aquarius.

Taskmaster Saturn, karmic cleanup sergeant of the skies now enters your sign for a three-year tour, helping you notice what needs to be tightened up and tackled. Your approach may narrow, your path more strictly monitored, as you get serious about personal projects and your solo stance.

Notice where you might be called to step into formality, suit up and show up!

A fresh start may be easier but don’t forget to take out the trash.


The Winter Solstice – and Capricorn Season – activates your house of friends and peers. Spotlight your allies, and allow the group to offer a stable, sensible backdrop. It’s an ideal time to reflect and think about all that’s been accomplished in 2020, within a team or on humanitarian endeavors that have dominated.

Jupiter and Saturn are now at the initial degree of Aquarius and your quiet, elusive house of healing, prep and gestation, so that you can take a step back to consider the hidden realms, Pisces.

A major shift in the stars is being ushered in – over the next few years you could find you’re succumbing to new levels in your private life, forgetting about yourself and working on behalf of others (in a spiritual capacity, rehabilitating or nursing those that cross your path: a partner, parent, client or friend).

Relationships: The Sun now shines in your community zone with communicator Mercury, so that friends, your circle, crew, audience or industry (and all you work towards together) can be acknowledged. You may have built up a platform, or reliable clan to rally and rely upon, and these folk can now be recognized, and appreciated.

Think of friends or friends and loose acquaintances that you might have impacted, as well as those you’re keen to connect with as the end of the year draws to a close (online peers, or some folk you’ll never even meet IRL).

Network and mingle, comparing notes on 2020. Notice friends, cheerleaders & kindred allies that have made all the difference…

Career: There’s much to consider in private, around your sense of serenity, security, and how you work with others in a supportive, emotional capacity, Pisces, as well as your own journey towards healing, with unknown, elusive factors.

Jupiter & Saturn dip into your twelfth house, spelling surrender, charity, and the notion you’re giving yourself to another. You may be in touch with what others need, doing all you can to fall in line with expectations that suit a partner. Visualize the road you might walk – Venus now tours your ambitious house of career and reputation, so that the way you show up is cast in a warm light.

If you’re seeking a helping hand or to impress others in your outer guise or profession now is the time to come off well, with a stellar public image…

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