There's a reason for each and every season, but what to during the Water Bearer's reign? Discover my Top 5 Things To Do During Aquarius Season, with cosmic inspiration! General events every Aquarius Season include: The Aquarius New Moon The Leo Full Moon Imbolc – the middle of…
New Moon in Capricorn – Write Down Or Clearly Affirm What You Hope To Bring About & Manifest... It's Capricorn Season and so the New Moon naturally occurs and resets in this sign, as the Moon aligns at the same degree as the Capricorn Sun! Read your horoscope here, and use the stars on…
Andy Williams sang it best – "It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year ..." But what is the difference between Yule, Saturnalia, and Christmas? Here I've gather together some information and what I've found about this time of year, which in a nutshell all goes back to the magical moment,…
Write Down Or Clearly Affirm What You Hope To Bring About Or Manifest... It's Sagittarius Season and so the New Moon naturally occurs and resets the dial in Sagittarius, as the Moon aligns at the same degree as the Sagittarius Sun! Read your horoscope for this lunation here, and use the stars…
Each Full Moon signals a point of culmination, and in Scorpio Season this occurs within tenacious Taurus. The Moon indicates our emotions or mood, and, the collective feeling of people. With this sensual energy in bloom, it’s a time to recognise where we've been propagating, where we might…
Which cities and countries are ruled by the zodiac sign Scorpio? Austria’s capital, Vienna... What would be the ideal destination for those born under the sign Scorpio? Take inspiration from this list, as a Scorpio or travelling in Scorpio Season! Both cities and countries for this zodiac…
In late October and early November, witches, Wiccans and pagans around the world celebrate Samhain, the third and final harvest and the onset of winter. Samhain is typically celebrated from sunset on October 31 to sunset November 1, approximately halfway through Scorpio Season. Some…