Fashion Tips From A Clairvoyant – How To Cleanse Your Closet!
Aura reder and internationally respected clairvoyant Yosh Han joins Star Sign Style to reveal her top tips for an effective closet cleanse…
When individuals begin the journey of ‘working on themselves’ the first step can often be an external expression of change.
People will often quit bad habits, change the way they look through a healthier approach to mind, body and spirit, or they might update their wardrobe, to attract love or a different job.
External factors can be incredibly personal, and when transformation occurs in one area of life, it often leads to other wonderful changes everywhere else.
Considering A Closet Cleanse…?
Closets hold more than our clothes and accessories, they are the keepers of our fantasies and secrets but unfortunately, this also means sometimes, holding on to unfulfilled dreams and chaos.
As a clairvoyant and meditation teacher, I support people during emotional transformations, including the process of working through past and present trauma and baggage.
So, What Is The Best Way To Edit? How To Cleanse Your Closet…
First determine a litmus test or personal intention.
For example, “ I want to feel light, sexy and free” as a mantra for finding romance would be great but “confident, powerful and ambitious” might be better for career clothes.
Then use this mantra to help decide what items reflect the “old you” especially if it’s connected to negative self-love or which items resonate with the new image of self-worth. When doing a walk-through remove anything that doesn’t match your mantra.
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Some items will be easy to get rid of (sell or giveaway) but often, there is a secondary editing process. This is where your emotions or dark shadows might be hiding. Often items are held because of some outdated or image of yourself.
Which of these should be edited?
A) I love these shoes but they hurt my feet every time I wear them. They were so expensive.
B) I love this necklace that my ex-gave me, it’s my prize for all the heartbreak.
C) My aunt gave me this designer dress but it isn’t quite the right color.
Answer: all of these are dead weight and prevent new relationships from forming.
Make room for the new you and wait before purchasing any new items.
Be mindful of closet organization – especially things that are “shoved in, crammed in or stuffed away.”
Be mindful of closet organization – especially things that are “shoved in, crammed in or stuffed away.” These are indicators of negative self-love. Don’t treat yourself that way unless you want your new lover or boss to treat you that way!
When I did this personally, I could see that things that I thought were keeping me together were actually things keeping me from my freedom.
FreeDom From…
In my own experience, freedom from the material can be truly liberating.
Instead of having a warehouse full of stuff, I now travel the world with my laptop and one roller bag with scuba gear and bikinis, leading meditation retreats and teaching people how to run their energy.