Find Astrology Workshops & Astrologers In Bali…

Follow the stars to Bali and discover the island of the Gods!


A Lush Green Dream – It’s Bali!

If you’re lucky enough to visit Bali you’ll want to experience the very best of this magical place.

In my books, that’s been exploring the exciting things it has to offer in the way of yoga and mediation, culture and incredible sights, yummy food (both Indonesian and of the super healthy vegan variety – wheatgrass galore!) and of course, as always, astrology…

During your stay, you might like to use your downtime to reflect on a reading of your birth chart, or get an idea of what the year ahead has in store.

Check out my top picks for astrology in Bali, including workshops and events and some highly recommended astrologers available for consultation on this awesome island!

Read more about my time in Bali, including honouring the full moon or ‘Purnama’, here.

Find An Astrologer in Bali…


Raymond Prohs

An expert in Verdic astrology and soul healing, Raymond has conducted more than a thousand readings for clients worldwide, including a number of high-profile celebrities. He offers personal annual forecasts and an exploration of the Verdic birth chart via his base in Ubud, Shivaloka, a divine space full of sacred jewelery. Visit the website and contact Raymond here.

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alan-oken-baliAlan Oken

Author, teacher and internationally revered lecturer Alan provides a myriad of services, from natal chart interpretation, electional charts and horoscopes for newborns, to esoteric examinations and much, much more. Although Alan is a resident of Bali, he’s oftentimes travelling the US and Europe, so do refer to his website for availability. Read more about consultations available here.

astrologer-evelyn-robertsEvelyn Roberts

A student of renowned astrology school, Liz Greene’s Centre for Psychological Astrology, Evelyn is a talented and highly qualified astrologer who offers readings for help in any area: love, career, relationships, or life-changing decisions. One to one consultations are available in Ubud and California, or readings are available via phone or Skype. Visit Evelyn’s website here.

Astrology Workshops And Retreats


astrology-baliHeaven And Earth And The Faculty Of Astrology Studies

Founded by astrologer Evelyn Roberts, and now in its ninth year, the Astrology in Bali, Heaven and Earth workshops brings together fascinating teachers and speakers for the astrology, palmistry, tarot and travel enthusiast! Participants experience the island and its rich culture, in addition to seminars with esteemed astrologers. The next workshop in Bali is to be held in December 2014, so start thinking about the possibilities! Find out more here.

astrology-bali-yoga-barnYoga Barn Community Astrology Class

This super relaxing retreat in Ubud hosts a number of interesting workshops, meditation sessions and, as its namesake would suggest, yonks of yoga! You can also find introductions to astrology and seminars with particular focus on astrological occurrences, for example, the current transits affecting us all. The Community Astrology Class is free for all to attend, a must if you’re in Ubud and want to learn more! Check out upcoming events at the Yoga Barn.

Find Your Balinese Star Sign Here!

Understanding the art of astrology can enlighten us in so many ways, whether it’s getting a handle and working to overcome challenges we seem to repeatedly face in life, or perhaps anticipating the changes that lie ahead.

If you’re in a contemplative state during your stay in Bali then visit an astrologer, or use this magical island to absorb and explore a new, exciting subject!

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