Amplify Your Beauty Rituals With A Crystal Comb, Creating A Daily Hair Practice…

Meditate with a beauty moment, using Crystal Combs as an at-home remedy.

Andi Scarbrough is the founder and head practitioner at, and the beauty who brings you the infamous Crystal Combs you know and love (if you haven’t seen these stunning tools check them out here!)

Discover Andi’s recommended daily rituals for self-care, as she reveals magic and more to StarSignStyle!

The Daily Ritual Of Self Care – Take A Moment To Meditate…

While the in-salon CrownWorks treatments can be as cathartic as a chiropractic adjustment, I found that environmental factors that contribute to imbalances in our Crown Chakra are likely to return and generally don’t stay cleared without continued care.

It takes maintenance.

Just like we may need a hair mask to maintain the conditioned feeling of our hair after leaving the salon, Crystal Combs provide an opportunity for energetic care at home.

The Crystal Combs

The Crystal Combs are both a sacred tool and a crystalline invitation to optimize time we’re already spending in ritual, and hold the same appeal that a beautiful yoga mat or flattering gym wardrobe might; encouraging you to feel excited about your self care – and therefore more likely to do it.

They hold the vibration of beauty and elevated consciousness, and in appreciating their natural and unique beauty the combs hold space for finding time for self appreciation, too.

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Using a Crystal Comb in a meditative practice, we drop anchor in this vibration, transforming a maintenance routine into a ritual celebration of our own unique beauty. Many people I know don’t practice meditation or self care because it feels like a whole production they don’t have the precious time or resources for.

However it needn’t be a big production, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time! The message of the CrystalCombs is simplicity.

Crystal Comb out might be a bedtime ritual, or it can become the center of a full blown self-care ceremony. Simply by taking 5 minutes to comb your hair out before bed can actually be an effective meditation. We activate the sympathetic nervous system through touch, and practice presence through the awareness of the engagement of all of our senses.

The sound of the comb moving through the hair in an of itself is akin to a tiny crystal singing bowl, and the use of essential oils supports holistic wellness both on the physical and metaphysical level.

Recommended Rituals

  • Activate With Oils
    The world of plant essences and essential oils is richly supportive.
    Try the CrownWorks Activating Oil Blends straight up, or mix a dropper full into your choice of a deep conditioner or mask.
    You can also apply the oils to your comb or body during your practice.
  • this is meditation.

    Apps like Headspace and Omvana are great tools if you are learning to meditate, or prefer guidance and structure (and a timer!) with your meditative treatment.
    We also love the Chakra Tuner app, which activates the entire chakra system in seven minutes.
    Sound is really helpful for quieting the mind and balancing the brain. Chanting/toning along with can really help you to stay present.

  • Write It Out

    Journaling is a highly beneficial tandem practice.
    It can be therapeutic to include even a 5-minute free-form writing exercise before you start a hair treatment. This will purge any mental residue (angers, judgements, frustrations) that may have built up during the week.
    Keep an intuition log to list the insights you receive during your ritual practice. Destroy the paper when you are finished.

  • Wash It Away

    Water has long been recognized as a spiritual conduit and ritualized with bathing ceremonies.
    Harness this power with a simple intention setting while in the shower. Add a dropper full of CrownWorks activating oil ZERO blend to your shampoo.
    Ask to clear any energies or attachments that no longer serve you and visualize anything you want to release going down the drain as a daily practice, or to close out your CrystalComb ritual.

(Find additional information for cleaning and cleansing the combs using essential oils, here.)

Perhaps a free form writing practice gets added on. Perhaps the inspiration comes to incorporate 10 minutes of chanting, a 7 minute breathwork practice, or listening to binaural beats to balance the brain hemispheres for deep sleep or easing anxiety. These little “add-on” practices can be sprinkled throughout the day, and then, before you know it, there is a substantial integration of self care practices that are part of your daily routine. Giving a self-care a place to grow from is key.

I have personally found by committing to these small, efficient self care practices, there is a natural desire that opens up to expand in an achievable way.

For more tips and rituals follow Andi at The Crown_works Instagram and over on



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