The Transit Of Jupiter In Aries & Your Horoscope!

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Jupiter In Aries – Bold, Bountiful, Brazen And Bumptious!

The biggest planet in our Solar System, Jupiter enters Aries twice in 2022, first in May, then after a revisiting the last couple of degrees of Pisces, returns to Aries for good in December.

Here are the dates…

  • Jupiter into Aries (0º00′): May 10th 2022 at 7.22 pm EDT / May 11th 2022 7.22 am HKT
    • Jupiter sextile Mercury Retrograde in Gemini: May 20th 9.11 am HKT
    • Mars, Moon, Jupiter conjunct in Aries: May 25th 2022, Mars in Aries…
  • Jupiter Retrograde In Aries (8º43′): July 28th 2022 at 4.38 pm EDT
    • Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter Retrograde (6º49′): September 1st 7.31 pm HKT
    • Venus in Libra opposite Jupiter Retrograde (3º02′): October 2nd 2.12 am HKT
  • Jupiter Re-Enters Pisces (29º59′): Friday October 28th 2022, 1.09 am EDT
  • Jupiter Direct in Pisces (28º47′): November 23rd 2022, 6.02 pm EST.
  • Jupiter back into Aries (0º00′): December 20th 2022 9.33 am EST / 10.33 pm HKT
  • Jupiter into Taurus (0º00′): May 17th 2023 1.20 am HKT.

We can consider the window (May 10th – October 27th 2022) a preview or taste of what’s ahead for 2023, as giant Jupiter covers the same first 8 degrees, then moves through the rest of the sign (December 20th – May 16th 2023).

Remember, Jupiter is the giant of our skies – Jupiter is MASSIVE, HUGE, LARGE, BOUNTIFUL, BENEVOLENT and GENEROUS, so this is an expansive transit that can bear gifts!!

What does it hold in store for you?

Your Jupiter In Aries Horoscope…


Jupiter in Aries activates your first house of self, persona, character and autonomy, Aries.

Harness a new beginning – and a fresh start to blossom! Supercharge personal projects, or ramp up your character, turning heads! (Dye your hair with a tint of red or wear an eye-catching look!)

Broaden your outlook, pursue education, be confident – jubilant! It’s a time to ‘arrive’, come out, emphasise your look, or go big on solo plans, a time to enjoy your own potential, expanding on your purpose and identity.

Embody your knowledge and principles, and embark on great feats of interest.

Jupiter is the planet of travel, risks and ‘the gamble’, and as an Aries (or Aries Rising) your ninth house of adventures, wisdom, higher thought and education is governed by Jupiter and Sagittarius, so it really is a lovely time to go the distance – literally or metaphorically.

Note opportunities to launch a new venture, or road test big plans, take a leap of faith or the first steps toward a trip or entrepreneurial feat.

Think of the times when Jupiter is in Pisces as a good time to gestate, prepare or pull back to do the work. Thoroughly develop your ideas–allow your soufflé to rise and be sure to open the door when Jupiter is firmly in Aries December 20th!

Vacillate between staying hidden from view (when in Pisces) and coming out (when in Aries) to let others witness your plans…

Mercury is retrograde in Gemini when Jupiter first enters Aries, however, there’s plenty to get you moving, with Mars in Aries; be full of enthusiasm for your autonomous pursuits, and activate your solo potential during Leo Season, too. But note Libra Season will prompt you to look more to others…

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in Aries activates your personal blind spot, the secretive twelfth house of closure, escapism, selflessness and surrender, Taurus.

This signals a time to rest, re-set offline, draw back into hibernation or undergo a spiritual pilgrimage solo. Take leave in solitary settings, escaping into you, or devote yourself and your energy to another…

Retreat inwards, to incubate, gestate, deal with unknowable outcomes and mysteries, or even a major misunderstanding in your private life that needs closure.

Envelop yourself in warmth, nourishment and compassion, as it may take time to really recoup, and lay claim to the tools required to move through this passage.

Make room in your world to explore behind the curtain, facing uncomfortable situations, even bearing witness to another person’s struggles, issues and potentially coming undone yourself in the process.

There’s the potential to be selfless, actively pursuing ways to draw on your intuition and inner knowledge (healing yourself and another). But also potential to lose yourself as you put key people first.
Certain relationships may prompt you to explore a letting go exercise, or you may detox and surrender all (or some) of what no longer serves you. Be honest, and disconnect if called to.

You’re being invited to blossom and flourish in ways unbeknownst to others, with only the select few privy to the transformation and purge you’re undergoing. Perhaps it’s so subconscious and subtle even you aren’t aware of changes and restoration underway.

Grapple with those elusive elements, with something deeper within you touched upon.

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in Aries activates your eleventh house of groups, team spirit, social networks and industry, so that being a part of your community of peers, a niche social scene or exciting activity among friends is auspicious, with important dreams, aspirations and hopes for humanity now to be explored…

Note what you deem important for everyman, get involved with a fellowship, a branch of an organisation, a chapter, charity or cause you care about, with a collective agenda, and one person moving you into action, or introducing you to your broader circle!

Allow your social life, audience (fans and followers), and your capacity to mingle set you alight, particularly in Leo Season.

Make room in your world for new acquaintances, even a whole new circle of friends, or a project that bring you together with those in the wider world. You may even find a new mate or partner (romantic or platonic), since Jupiter rules your relationship zone! Be open to a dynamic best friend, lover or business alliance as you’re exposed to a humanitarian plan.

Be geared toward your fellow man, and the interests that captivate another…

Note the part you play in your company or organisation, too; there may be a call to get together (and get more involved) with your contemporaries, acting toward the greater good in your industry. Be delighted by positive company and flourish among affiliates. Look to dynamic groups online or IRL welcoming your participation!

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter soars to the top of your horoscope, Cancer, activating your tenth house of fame, notoriety, visibility and accomplishments.

You’re invited to blossom in your outer life and public spaces, potentially seen as an expert (or authority) in the world at large! Be known, bravely show off your attributes and hard work! Visibility and professional acumen may be boosted, notoriety and your ambitions too…

As a Cancer (or Cancer Rising) Sagittarius governs your sixth house, Jupiter’s path through the highest sector of your chart signals a time to elevate your reputation based on positive working methods, and all you do as a daily practice (including amplifying health and wellbeing as a ritual).

Make an impression, leaning on ‘best practice’.

Some of your greatest aspirations may feel they’re getting closer, as this lucky planet helps set your sights higher, toward your goals ….

You may have been on a journey that’s now evolving into something potentially prolific, prestigious, or giving you a claim to fame!

Make note of your successes, and anticipate what praise, a title, accolade or nod of approval looks like; rewards may be forthcoming during Leo Season, potentially a month for creating material security. But note Libra Season will prompt you to address home life and your nest…

The gas giant can launch you onto your vocational path and help you soar in your career or trade, or you may be seen and acknowledged for a job well done, including as an entrepreneur or Mother, a war hero or qualified expert! Brush up your online profile or public image! Step into your accomplished self, wear a masterful hat, laying claim to the name of ‘leader’ or ‘top dog’!

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in fellow fire sign Aries activates your visionary ninth house of knowledge, wisdom and higher thought, signalling an awesome time to launch toward rapid growth, visionary ventures, a specialism, your ‘calling’, and to activate your adventurous side!

Flourish and develop your know-how with a big opportunity for personal development; you’ve a chance to find meaning, to devote yourself to your education in the University of Life…

Whether you’re keen to travel long-distances or explore another culture or belief system, a region, theology, philosophy or specialist subject – or publish your thoughts and findings – now is the time to start to inch closer to your dreams…

Lean into Faith and any personal projects that warrant or require a boost!

As a Leo or Leo Rising, Jupiter (and Sagittarius) governs your fifth house of joy, so learning experiences may be connected to your children, pastimes, arts and crafts, your love life or loved ones, your talents, hobbies or some facet of your own gratification and heart.

Journal, broadcast, publish, or sign up to a course or track, truth seeking and truth speaking with an inspiring perspective. Team up with fellow pilgrims, pay attention to teachers, guides or those individuals that can lead you further…

The gas giant can draw on a quest to know more, or develop your own moral code; what do you consider to be just and fair? Tell the world your findings! Share a hot take! Let yourself explore or discover another perspective, engage more broadly, pleasantly surprised by other people and their point of view… You have an open window to broaden your horizons, and with Mars in this sign you’re ready to press go, full of energy…

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in Aries activates your eighth house of investments, legacies and bonds, signalling a year of growth in your private life, and the way you trust, collaborate, build and even merge your assets with a partners.

Make room to deepen your commitments, and touch on fears and vulnerabilities, considering how you might follow through with the support or input of others, coming to terms (and honestly facing) the part others play in the story of your life (and what you stand to lose or miss out on).

Identify loyal friends or contractors you’re keen to rely upon, those that have something you want: money, resources or a service (or an energetic tie: their sexual input).

Grapple with ways you’ve been captivated and have committed yourself, pledging or promising what you have to offer, and where this has (or is) mutually beneficial (or where you’re feeling the drive to fight for what’s owed).

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Learn about your ability to share the load (your time, your energy, kids and money), showing up to pool together. Expand on trust, closeness, a united front.

Bravely face where you’re “all in” or keen to separate assets, (bonded for keeps or taking a solo journey), with flourishing awareness of what others can do for you, and what you’ve to give in return…

Jupiter is the planet of experience and faith, and as a Virgo (or Virgo Rising) this planet governs your fourth house of family, the past, your roots and foundations. Therefore, return to familiar principles, people and places to help you make sense of the “next steps” you’re taking, and make yourself available.

You may strike it lucky building or working together, with potential for a lucrative source of income or a benefit to be acknowledged, including a payout of inheritance, a tax rebate, or the gift of medical insurance. 

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in Aries activates your seventh house of intimate relationships, elevating your gaze around the ways you might collaborate, partner (romantically, or in business or platonic settings).

Note opportunities to team up and involve a plus one, bolster the attention you lavish on your counterparts and let others lead!

Make room in your world for relationships to blossom, particularly if you’re looking to marry “the one” – or expect your other half to feature largely… Open your door to all kinds of unions, even working more closely with a sibling or neighbour!

Anticipate how you might grow (together), too. 

This transit can help develop greater awareness, and incredible learning experiences could be in store, as you come across a partner that opens your eyes to new skills, particularly in communicating, picking up on body language, or showing you a new way to operate in your local area (socially or literally navigating!) Perhaps you’ll journal or compare notes with close friends or your inner circle, hitting the dating scene and getting a better handle on what you’re looking for in your ideal spouse… 

As a Libra (or Libra Rising) your third house of kindred spirits, learning, teaching and rapport is governed by Jupiter and Sagittarius, so it really is a good time to develop techniques to hear what a significant other is trying to express. You might like to take a short trip together that’s significant, share a commute, or work on a project in your local surroundings! 

A significant other could also be argumentative, extra zealous or selfish, starting a new ‘thing’ so that you’re drawn into their drama!

Leo Season gives you the chance to step out into your community as a couple, while Libra Season prompts you to find the balance between “we” and “me”…

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in Aries activates your health focused sixth house of daily duty and wellness, signalling a time to expand on your own wellbeing, developing ways of working, exercising, or living that are healthy for you…

Go big on day-to-day routines and your lifestyle: admin and efficiencies.

Note ways you might do better – or delegate! Hire helping hands or increase the headcount on your team

You may experience growth at work, in your job, so you’re proving you’re capable, taking more on, busy, forcing you to get your world in order, with a boost to your organizational skills and aptitude, systems and your schedule. Employment matters (and employers) could warrant your attention too, even potentially battling with a staff member or manager.

Consider where you’re most useful, devote yourself to a practice that enables you to work at your optimum in your position; perhaps fitness, exercise, positive habits and rituals will become more compelling, with the largest planet in your house of purification – maybe you’ll get a pet or a new interests that support you in your daily life!

Strike upon (and harness) an enthusiasm for your own regime, with the gumption to hit the gym and supermarket in one, blasting through meal prep or simply leaning into a program of maintenance that’s gets things done fast!

As a Scorpio (or Scorpio Rising) your second house of income, purpose and priorities is governed by Jupiter, therefore healthy living and your own wellbeing may be an investment, with you ready to spend money on something (or someone) that makes your life easier.

Leo Season could be a month to ramp up in your professional life, you could be set on accomplishing something significant; consider the tasks you might complete on your agenda that help you more easily reach your goals, managing your overall lifestyle to get ahead.

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in fellow fire sign Aries activates your fun fifth house of fertility, personal passions, and solo gratification, signalling a window to enhance playful creativity and to romance yourself! Ramp up pleasure-seeking tendencies!

As a Sagittarius (or Sagittarius Rising) Jupiter is your ruler, and therefore this transit could invigorate you – it’s an encouraging time to really indulge physically, identifying those things that bring ultimate joy – let love rule as this ‘lucky’ planet graces your house of sexuality, dating, mating and pregnancy! You’re likely extra fertile, or ready to have a baby! Or you might be putting some facet of yourself into a creative project – a new business endeavour or project at work could be a conduit for you to express yourself, or going large on your talents and artistic side!

Elevate a lust for life born from you and your own enthusiasm, invigorate your sex life, hobbies or your passionate side; go big on sports, hobbies, solo interests and make yourself happy! Blossom in ways that serve you (be a little selfish), enjoy your own potential and capacity to have a good time.

Remind yourself that your sex and happiness is a birth right – God given!

Look to children, playdates, or your own love life full of enthusiasm, pleasing yourself or sensing the heights of your talents, with simple laughter, recreation, or rigorous activities that help you connect to yourself, your body, and true joy.

Find something to be celebrated – embark on a vacation, plan a party or fun days out, or craft, make and do; get your heart rate up any way you can! Say yes to a baby shower, to time with kids, as children might bring out your playful side, stimulating your ability to create. Initiate a playdate, and explore mediums for artistic expression, and your desires…

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in Aries activates your foundational fourth house of domesticity, nesting, parenting, comfort and home.

There’s a generous chance to explore the past – and expand on your roots, domestic life and property issues, to address your land or household, to buy, sell or consider where you might live and settle (or retire, rehabilitate and recoup).

Blossom in your four walls, among family or caretakers, reflecting on parents or your own parenting patterns; devote attention to those in hidden surroundings, even in your memory or unconscious.

It may be time to grapple with where you’re from, learning about your lineage, heritage or ancestry (no matter how confronting), coming to terms with the way a caretaker was or is, invigorating your relationship to home with a warm nurturing tone.

Nourish where you plant yourself, and even tend to your body (your primary dwelling and place of residence!)

Jupiter is the planet of growth, education and wisdom, and as a Capricorn (or Capricorn Rising) this planet of Faith and quests governs your twelfth house of secret agendas and elusive activity. Closure may be a theme that’s touched upon, with mother or father figure playing a part, or acceptance of safety and security issues.

Bolster the inclination to settle, nest, to feed or refuel on home turf among those who set you at ease; lean into familiarity, and question why some things feel comfortable and others are unsettling to you. Perhaps you’ll see sense in a certain house hold arrangement, and make a move…

Leo Season could see you commit to people or circumstances that help you feel even more secure, deepening your loyalties and sense of place.

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Jupiter in Aries activates your third house of kindred spirits, skills, intellect, communication and curiosity.

Pay attention to those around you, engage with likeminded folk, notice new relations and friends to add to your inner circle!

Spend increasing time with siblings, co-workers, old school pals or those that think as you do, developing your rapport, and even your role as teacher, informant, or news commentator.

There may be a draw toward issues in your neighbourhood, a reason you see to mobilise, picking up the tools or proficiencies that will help you navigate your environment…

Note your capacity to get around, from A-to-B, from literally making your way, and sense where you’re increasingly interested in how you communicate, how you express yourself and get on, with a message or train of thought, awareness of hot topics that matter to you and yours!

Elevate your connection to those in local areas and improve on language, writing, signals or some other ways of connecting more readily, even increasing your social media usage. Pick up the phone! Use your voice! Blossom as a key figure in the discourse, conversations or your chat group.

Get to know those in close quarters, your similarities, learning more about what you have in common with people you’re among (because of where you find yourself, the causes you care about and your social circumstance).

Engage with those in your surroundings, focused on the greater good… As an Aquarius (or Aquarius Rising) Jupiter governs Sagittarius and your eleventh house of humanitarian causes, social life and team spirit, so your network could introduce you to new ways of thinking, relating and understanding others. 

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.


Your traditional ruler Jupiter in Aries activates your second house of money, earnings, self-worth and profit.

This signals a boost to your role and income, greater awareness around what’s a worthwhile endeavour (worth your while), or could present an opportunity that’s another revenue stream to devote yourself to!

Or, perhaps you’ll prioritise your time, raising your prices, making a bold choice about what’s most important to you…

Note what you stand to gain from your various interests, expand on what’s lucrative sensing your capabilities and ways you contribute (understanding what’s valued by others, or a valuable solo asset).

Steer your gaze to find fortune, though know it’s not all about cash and coin: you might do something that can’t be measured by a pay cheque, like being a full time carer or mum! Bolster what you do – how you make a living or find yourself rewarded for your role and input.

Get current with your material world, with intangible wealth and what you possess; note an increased awareness or knowledge of security, your possessions, belongings and financial position.

As Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and your tenth house (or career, fame, prominence and reputation), there may be something about the public image or profile you’ve developed that allows you to make bank, so look to how you’re seen, how you appear in your trade or profession that can now inform money-making or what you’re able to do…

You might even grow the way you economise, make savings, or become self-sufficient, leaning into your independence. What you’re capable of has the potential to swell, so you can rapidly start building or developing on what you do that’s practical and rewarding,

Consider this a preview of what’s to come in 2023, when Jupiter makes its way further into Aries.

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