The Libra Rising Birth Chart…

If you were born with Libra Rising, you’re in the right place to quickly see the layout of your birth chart in Whole Sign Houses.

You’ll also see I’ve included house rulerships, for example the ruler of the first house is Venus…

The Libra Rising Birth Chart…

The 1st House: Libra, Ruled By Venus

The 2nd House: Scorpio, Ruled By Mars

The 3rd House: Sagittarius, Ruled By Jupiter

The 4th House: Capricorn, Ruled By Saturn

The 5th House: Aquarius, Ruled By Saturn

The 6th House: Pisces, Ruled By Jupiter

The 7th House: Aries, Ruled By Mars

The 8th House: Taurus, Ruled By Venus

The 9th House: Gemini, Ruled By Mercury

The 10th House: Cancer, Ruled By The Moon

The 11th House: Leo, Ruled By The Sun

The 12th House: Virgo, Ruled By Mercury.

As a Libra Rising person, Venus rules your first and eighth house…

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…because Venus rules Libra and Taurus!

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