The Best Crystals for Capricorn Season…

Special stones and lucky gems for the mountain goat!

What are the best crystals for Capricorn Season and this Zodiac Sign?


We all love crystals and are drawn to their energy or beauty. Oftentimes we’ll choose based off instinct alone.

However, it’s always interesting to know the astrological correspondences of different minerals, rocks, crystals and gems in our world, so what are those assigned to this sign?

Discover the stones recommended for your Capricorn friend!

Capricorn Crystal: Black Tourmaline…

Black Tourmaline…

Incredible protection from negativity!

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Malachite For Capricorn…

An incredible colour of green, the largest deposit of malachite is in Russia. Malachite tends to draw negative energy towards it, making it ideal for the saturnian tendencies of a Capricorn. Relieve pessimism with this bright gem.

+ More Crystal Options For Capricorn…

  • Garnet: Many of us know this as the classic birth stone of Capricorn.
  • Dry-Head Agate: Said to bring patience and the acceptance of responsibility, this makes an ideal crystal for the zodiac sign of time, wisdom and ambition.
  • Annabergite: This is a stone that both facilitates intuition and strengthens the body. Allowing you to connect to emotions of compassion and forgiveness, it’s considered highly spiritual. It can also help deepen a meditation practice.
  • Jet: One of the rarest crystals, Jet are considered to provide a limitless ability to absorb energy, which are in turn used for rejuvenation. Acting as a purifier, it converts negativity, and is a stone of protection. 
  • Green Tourmaline: A heart opening crystal that enhances visionary perception, and connects to the energy of the natural world…
  • Tenorite: This stone is said to help with insecurities and subdues fears. It is a calming stone.

Remember to always seek out ethical sources when buying your crystals. While procuring precious rocks and stones has become immensely popular over the years, there are still many places that harvest minerals in a way that’s incredibly damaging to people and the environment. 

Let me know what your favourite crystals are for Capricorn via Instagram!

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