Aromatherapy Astrology And The Best Essential Oils For Libra Season…

Natalie Delahaye gives us cosmic insight on stellar scents...

How can we use therapeutic oils during the season of Libra – late September to late October – and what are the best essential aromatherapy oils for Libra themselves?

Let’s look to the stars for answers! As a complementary therapy, we can work with aromatherapy, with recommended blends for different seasons.

During Libra Season, we might like to consider the essential oils that have a balancing, healing effect on Libra: Geranium, Rose and Chamomile.


Geranium is a herb associated with Venus, making this a perfect choice for Libra season.

It’s a harmonizing oil, both emotionally and physically.

This essential oil can be worn as a scent or added to your bath or massage blend, to refresh, de-stress and revitalise.

Geranium is excellent for the skin and can be blended with a base oil, and applied to the face for a rejuvenating serum or night oil.



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Rose is the flower of Venus. It has long been prized the symbol of love and beauty, making this a signature scent for Librans.

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Not only does rose smell beautiful but the scent has a soothing effect on the heart and soul.

  • Add a few drops of rose to your massage oil, paying special attention to the kidney area, which is the part of the body ruled by Libra.

The kidneys act as a filter for the equilibrium of the body and when in harmony, the skin radiates health and the eyes sparkle with clarity.

Rose is also an anti-aging oil for the face: add to water to make your own rosewater toner.


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Libra season is a time for relationships. To manifest love into your life or to heal your relationships, use rose petals or oil in your visualisations.


Chamomile is a soothing, ethereal oil.

Like Libra, Chamomile is associated with balance and peace, making this a good oil for stress, anger and insomnia.

Add a few drops to your pillow for a restful slumber. Camomile is an oil of self-expression. Resonating with the throat chakra, it encourages truth and clarity in thought and action.

  • Massage a Chamomile blend onto your neck. Mix a few drops of camomile with some milk, to make a bed time bath milk.

Instructions and Safety!

There are many ways to absorb essential oils. You can either use a diffuser, add up to 5 drops to bath or have an Aromatherapy Massage. I suggest using 10 drops to every 40ml carrier oil for a massage.

Always do a skin test for oils you’ve never used, in the unlikely event of an allergy. To do this, add a drop to the back of your wrist, via a cotton bud, apply a plaster and wait for 24 hours.

There are some oils which are fine to use during pregnancy, though lots of them aren’t. Please check before use and do not ingest or apply the oils neat…

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