Tried & Tested – Luna Cleansing Mask With Rose & Chia…

A Natural Face Mask to Make You Glow Like the Moon...

Beauty Editor Jessica DeFino takes a closer look at Luna, the cleansing mask that brings out your inner glow… Find Jessica at!

Luna is the Latin word for “moon.”

It’s the name of the Roman moon goddess, and the root of the English word “lunar,” which we use to describe the eclipses, orbits, and tides that are ruled by our Moon Mama.

Derived from the in the ancient root word “leuk”–meaning light or brightness–luna has taken on a more modern meaning in the beauty world: it’s practically synonymous with bright, glowing, luminous skin.

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That’s what pulled me when I first saw Live Botanical’s Luna Rose + Honey Glowing Cleansing Mask I instinctively knew that its relation to the moon (even if in name only) would bring me closer to the bright, glowing, luminous skin of my dreams.

And I was right.

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Made with all-organic raw honey, rose, calendula, dandelion root, jojoba oil, papaya, chia seeds, and chamomile and rose essential oils, there are so many reasons to love this Rose and Honey Mask.

  • The earthy texture of crushed herbs, chia seeds, and raw honey–not to mention the sweet scent of the fruit extracts and rose oil–feels equal parts luxurious and granola; like something the old town apothecary labored over on commission from the royal family. Is this how Gwyneth Paltrow feels all the time? I think so.
  • It contains papaya fruit enzymes to naturally exfoliate the skin. Much like acids, certain fruit enzymes actually break down the bonds between the dead skin cells sitting on the surface and the fresh, glowing skin waiting below. They can be powerful, though, so if you have sensitive skin I recommend wearing this mask for just 15 minutes instead of the full 30.
    • It’s super hydrating, thanks to infusions of rose oil and honey. It’s rare to find a good exfoliator that doesn’t leave your skin parched, but this mask does it all.
    • You can use it as a cleanser, too–just massage into wet skin for about 30 seconds and rinse off, which is perfect for those mornings when your skin is looking a little dull but you don’t have the time/patience for a full masking session.

A Natural Face Mask to Make You Glow Like the Moon…

  • It’ll give you the glow-up. I noticed fresher, glowier skin after a single use.
  • It’s GOOD for your skin. No chemicals, no synthetics, no preservatives, no harsh ingredients. This product is so natural you can even eat it (kind of). I definitely licked my fingers after applying because it just smelled too good not to. And I have no regrets.

If you’re looking to add some luna-inspired glowiness to your skincare routine, this mask is a pretty magical must-have.

More Luna Beauty From Live Botanical…

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