Tried & Tested: Lunya’s Washable Silk Sleep Mask Helps Skin Glow Like the Moon

Drift off into sleep – dreaming of fewer wrinkles...


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🌜The moon is waning, about to start moving through the showstopping Lion’s sign…🌛 But it’s Virgo Season – a time to be helpful, to assist others, to think selflessly… ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ It can be mighty confusing, understanding the difference between letting our light shine and being caught up in our ‘selves’, in ego. ✨ Sometimes we must dim our specialness, so as not to disturb others or feed the green-eyed monsters! ✨ We’re forced to play small, so others can feel big, but in the end neither person wins. ✨ Over the next couple of days own your talents and feel at one with a sense of pride – moon in Leo urges you to get in the game and dazzle like the star that you are. ✨ Then, as the moon moves into Virgo – for the new moon this weekend – it will be time to analyse, to consider, to contemplate worth. ✨ How best can we use our special gifts to be of service and help others? ✨ From Leo’s lair to Virgo’s realms…….. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #twinkletwinkle #mooninleo #moongoddess #dita #shinelikeastar #moon #crescentmoon #leomoon #goddess #virgoseason #waningmoon #mooncycle #moonphases #burlesque #moonlight #starlight

A post shared by 💗☆ Star 🔮☆ Sign 💎☆ Style ☆ (@starsignstyle) on

Just like the moon, our skin does its best work at night.

There’s so much going on behind-the-scenes while we sleep; the body enters into “regeneration mode” to repair and protect itself on a cellular level. And since the skin is the body’s largest organ, a lot of this regeneration work affects the skin cells.

I always have trouble falling asleep when the moon is waxing or full (anyone else?), but a few weeks ago, I started experiencing some major insomnia. I would wake up multiple times during the night, not be able to get back to sleep, and eventually, reluctantly roll out of bed at 5:00 am to start my day.

As a skincare junkie, I knew this was wreaking havoc on my skin–and I could see it, too.


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A post shared by 💗☆ Star 🔮☆ Sign 💎☆ Style ☆ (@starsignstyle) on

I stocked up on all the natural sleep aids I could find: magnesium bath salts and magnesium body oils, melatonin gummy vitamins, valerian root herbal infusions…andthe most luxurious sleep mask from sleepwear brand Lunya.

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Lunya Sleep Mask Review

I ordered their Washable Silk Sleep Mask in the shade Eclipse (of course) for a few reasons.

One, it’s big enough block out any and all light.

Two, it’s fluffy enough to be seriously comfortable.

Three, it’s made of silk, a naturally hydrating material that keeps moisture close to the skin. Kind of like a wearable silk pillowcase.

Lunya’s Sleep Mask is designed to help you “find total darkness”– which is not as scary as it sounds! Since I’m a light sleeper, the fact that this mask blocks out light without being too tight or irritating is a huge help.

It makes it that much easier to drift off into sleep, allowing my skin to produce more collagen (AKA, less wrinkles) and lowering my stress-inducing cortisol levels (less stress, less skin issues).

The Washable Silk Sleep Mask has become one of my nightly must-haves. I love the feeling of soft silk against my skin, and I really do think it’s improved the quality of my sleep (at least, until the next full moon).

Buy yours here to say bye-bye to puffy eyes and dark circles.

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