Go Luna Smooth, Serum To Stop Hair Growth…

Product Review: Luna Smooth Hair Growth Inhibitor Serum

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Luna Smooth Hair Growth Inhibiting Serum Review

As hashtag-enlightened as I like to think I am, there are certain physical annoyances that I just can’t rise above no matter how often I meditate–case in point, my mustache.

The older I get, the more I notice my body changing in ways that are both welcome (like finally kicking cystic acne to the curb) and not-so-welcome (like my suddenly dark, coarse facial hair). After spotting a dark swath of peach fuzz on my upper lip in the light of the setting sun, I knew something had to be done.

Enter Luna Smooth Hair Growth Inhibitor Serum.

I was drawn to this product for so many reasons: its name (Luna), its logo (an adorable crescent moon), and its promise to “visibly reduce hair growth over time.”

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Since my skin is so reactive, waxing and bleaching are pretty much out of the question–but Luna Smooth boasts natural ingredients that are safe to use on even the most sensitive facial areas.

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Before using Luna Smooth, the brand recommends that you remove all of the hair in the area that you want to focus on (you can choose your face, body, both, whatever) so that this potent little serum can penetrate the skin and work its magic.

I use a trimming razor all over my chin and upper lip before cleansing and toning–then, I apply a few drop of Luna Smooth, rubbing it on my skin in clockwise and counterclockwise circles.

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It smells fresh, like aloe vera gel and lavender (both of which are key ingredients), and has a watery consistency that makes it easy to use.

After waiting a few minutes for the product to soak in, I continue on with my moisturizer, face oil, and eye cream. I love how effortlessly Luna Smooth fit into my existing routine, as well as the fact that it’s full of such nourishing natural ingredients. Even if it didn’t promise to get rid of my mustache, I’d still use this serum!

It’s been about three weeks, and I’ve used Luna Smooth Hair Growth Inhibitor Serum every night. Truth be told, my mustache and chin hairs are still there, but they do seem to be slower to grow and less thick than before–or maybe all that meditation really is working and the mustache doesn’t bother me anymore.

Either way, I’m going to make Luna Smooth a permanent part of my daily routine.

Buy it here.

  • natural ingredients with no harsh chemicals
  • 100% cruelty free
  • made in the USA.
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