Zodiac Interiors – Capricorn Home Style…

A reverence for pieces that have stood the test of time!

Discover the Capricorn Home Style Signatures…

Your home can be a wonderful reflection of your personality. Why not acknowledge your zodiac sign and its key traits when considering your interior decor?

As the custodians of all that’s old and revered, antiques frequently hold a special place in the heart of Capricorn.

The enduring nature of carefully crafted items appeals to them. They would rather procure quality and something built to last. A statement might be a writing desk or chair.

Saturn is their ruling planet, the guardian of death, age and wisdom. Therefore, certain pieces can be a valued reminder of the passing of time.

They may appreciate a special clock or watch that’s an heirloom…

Think of them as ‘classic’ in their tastes.

A little prestige or a nod to their status is important too. The ambitious side of Capricorn can show through in that their homes will be impressive in some way to guests.

They’ll want to demonstrate they’re doing well, living on a good street or in a top area code. They may select the best neighbourhood, or might move to get their kids into the catchment area of a good school!

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The home office is Capricorn’s domain and they may insist on having their own workspace, even if that means creating a room just for this purpose!

This sign loves work and will find it soothing to steal away for a few hours, going over the accounts or their bookkeeping…

Ruled by stern, ‘cold’ Saturn, however, they may have a slight feast or famine approach to home-life. In some areas they could be prone to splashing out, restricting others. Note a tightening the purse strings as and when they see fit.

Capricorn Home Style Signature: Go For Granite…

An earth sign, wood and hardy textures may appeal too.

Capricorn is the astrological ruler of rock and stone such as granite.

People with Capricorn will often gravitate towards the darker spectrum of gray and hard finishes.

Capricorn Home Style Key Points:

  • Room in the house: Office or workroom;
  • Style of fittings and fixtures: Classic, elegant, lace trimmings;
  • Signature colors: Oak, chestnut, granite.

What do you consider to be the stand out style for Capricorn interiors? Let me know on Instagram!

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