Gone Running, The ALTRA Zodiac Challenge Has Me Motivated!

Use Virgo Season to embrace a new fitness regime – and stick to it!

Confession time: I’m absolutely terrible at sticking to fitness plans.

If I sign up to a gym I’ll inevitably let the membership roll with good intentions – and very little action. However, I love a good incentive, and the latest healthy challenge in Hong Kong has me intrigued – and immediately signing up to participate!

The ALTRA Zodiac Challenge, Hong Kong!

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This is a monthly run that ties in cosmic forces – and right on time with Virgo Season in full flow!

To particupate you simply join in the 5 km race each month, and each time you complete a race you get a special medal unique to that race. The organizer has also offered a generous 20% off a pair of ALTRA running shoes. Gone Running is a specialist trail and road running store here in Hong Kong, and the organizer of this fun, community building experience.

Complete all 12 races and the full zodiac wheel is yours, and you get an additional medal for your collection – no, not the 13th sign…

I’ll keep this post updated with my progress!

 Join the challenge and run with me, here.

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