Mercury Retrograde In Gemini Horoscope

May 2022, Mercury will appear Retrograde in both Gemini and Taurus.

The planet of commerce, connection, transportation and trade will backtrack in the skies (from our perspective on earth), throwing off our ability to move ahead with ease, or to get a clear and coherent message.

Here are the dates to work with:

  • Mercury enters its Shadow: 
  • Mercury enters Gemini: Friday April 29th 2022, 6.23 pm EDT (0º00′)
  • Mercury stations Retrograde Tuesday May 10th 2022 7.47 am EDT (4º51′)
  • Mercury Meets The Sun (in Gemini) Saturday May 21st 2022, 3.18 pm EDT (00º43′)
  • Mercury Re-Enters Taurus Sunday May 22nd 2022, 9.15 pm EDT (29º59′)
  • Mercury stations Direct Friday June 3rd 2022, 4.00 am EDT (26º05′)
  • Mercury Re-Enters Gemini Monday June 13th 2022, 11.27 am EDT (00º00′)
  • Mercury Clears Its Shadow: Saturday June 18th 2022, 6.34 pm EDT…

More About Gemini & the Themes of this Retrograde…

Gemini is the sign of the Twins, of close relation, communication and navigation.

Mercury in Gemini speaks to us of collaboration and teamwork, playing nice and getting to the facts.

Look out for 

  • Social arrangements going awry
  • Relationship talks on the table
  • Negotiations, interviews and discussions that require patience.

Good luck Stargazers!


Mercury appears retrograde in your third house, your sector of close friends, immediate ties, learning, teaching, journaling and messaging. Pause!

Pay attention to news that touches your inner circle, a social engagement, your siblings or likeminded allies; be aware and in contact among kindred spirits, really hearing what’s said, proposed or bought up in the discussion of the day…

Communication, skills and neighbourly interactions may be affected by the planetary go-between now back peddling through our skies, so watch for issues, transactions, purchases, messages or commentary that can go awry!


Mercury appears retrograde in your second house, your sector of money, finances and earning potential, potentially forcing you to pause in your capacity to make a living, your capabilities where your role or position is concerned. Thoughts about your self-worth, your personal value may be on your mind, allow what’s circling to motivate you to up-level!

It may take time to address practicalities, your assets, ways you accumulate or come to the right sum, number or profits, so consider it a marathon appraisal, rather than a race… Look at compensation, rewards, & your input.


Your ruling planet Mercury appears retrograde in your sign and your first house of personal affairs, personal life and identity, so you could feel thrown, or ready to re-evaluate what you think.

Take time to gather your thoughts and assemble, making sense gradually, rather than expecting to have all the answers. Your opinion, plans, or any facet of personal priorities may be missing a vital piece of information, so be willing to retrace your steps and go back over old emails, notes or pick up the phone to remind yourself what you were onto… Revising is a good thing now!

Take a breath with a personal examination and attention on you! Be willing to address where you might rethink your appearance, persona, personality and character, taking a glance back at how you used to look or come off.


Mercury appears retrograde in your twelfth house, your unconscious sector of dreams, reservation, gestation, evasive undertakings & sabotage. Pause!

Pay attention to what’s going on behind the curtain, behind closed doors, and where you have to keep someone’s confidence, keep a secret, tight lipped or confidential about certain matters! Hold space for closure, letting go of circumstances that aren’t yours to worry about – or that are beyond you, out of your control, out of your hands… Give it up to the Universe!

Tune out the noise as the go-between now back peddles; watch for PRIVATE issues, transactions, purchases, messages that can go awry or get complicated!


Mercury appears retrograde in your eleventh house, your sector of community, networking and friendship ¬– pause where your peer group or circle of allies are concerned!

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Social engagement may begin to seem overly complicated, so double check the details of any gathering, conference, meeting or a friendly get-together on Zoom, lest you’re left having to re-organise!


Your ruling planet Mercury appears retrograde in your tenth house, your sector of career, reputation, success, aspirations and advancement – the sector that oversees validation, praise, a sense of notoriety or your title!

Pay attention to goals, or how you wish to be seen and perceived, your path in the public eye, as this could be subject to change.

A conversation or talks with a parent, boss, authority figure, even a friend that’s a little further along the path than you may prompt you to rethink your brand or profile, or you may simply be ready to re-organize where you’re headed, & your visibility.

Really listen to what’s said or proposed about getting ahead, or the stamp of approval that allows you to be professional in your vocational life; a contract, bonus or some marker of your success may ask you to practice patience!


Mercury appears retrograde in your ninth house, your sector of knowledge, higher education, travel, legal affairs, philosophy, faith & cultural exploration.

Conversations with people further afield, or projects that touch on a different outlook have the potential to send you into a spin; you may have to wait on the outcome of a negotiation, or you may find you’re questioning yourself, what you’ve learned or come to believe to be true…

Be mindful what’s being published or promoted by you, shared with your audience, or another person, as you could be required to retrace your steps & rectify an error of judgement, as you explore and go further in your outlook.


Mercury appears retrograde in your eighth house, your sector of intimacy, commitment, trust and unification. Conversations that touch on fears, anxieties or your own vulnerabilities may ask you to pause, as you grapple with financial or private bonds.

Be aware of power dynamics – who holds the reigns (you or another), where are you tied in, merged for keeps, obliged or beholden to do something (or can you re-negotiate, agree to do things differently)? Ask yourself where more clarity and discernment could be used around trust and your loyalties (draw up a new contract, or talk it out, getting to the details) …

Revisit what others are able or expected to do, what you must show up for, or the adjustments that can be made to make sense to you and them. Patience!


Mercury appears retrograde in your seventh house, so there’s great emphasis on others ¬– what others say, mean or are attempting to negotiate or convey.

Pay attention to conversations but keep it loose, since words spoken could be laced with a double meaning and confusion. Really listen to what’s being said & be prepared to go back over the finer points, backtracking or retracing your steps to redesign what’s key to your union (business, platonic, romantic or otherwise); consider a spouse, your work wife, therapist, coach, sibling or a significant other, a best friend or family member & revisit key information.

Communication is vital, so be present, listening, prepared for a story to change.


Mercury appears retrograde in your sixth house, your sector of work, wellness, toil and duty, of assistance and assistants, delegation & hired help.

Pay attention to ways you maintain yourself, avoid sickness or unemployment, ways you busy yourself with tasks, chores and healthy practices, in service of your position (staying fit and on top of things).

Really hear what’s said around your job, the management of your role or other people, around a health practice or you daily life and domesticity, ways you regulate and upkeep your diet ¬– conversations and discussions may take time to unfurl, so be patient with systems, routines & rituals.


Mercury appears retrograde in your fifth house, your sector of pleasure-seeking, fertility, sexuality, entertainment, passion and heart. Pay attention to dates (and the time you’ve agreed to hook up!), to your changing desires, personal gratification and thoughts arising around your heart’s desire.

Note what you feel encouraged to express, or issues in your love life that warrant more time and attention. Take it slow, knowing certain ideas may be in flux or what makes you happy may need extra consideration and thought.


Mercury appears retrograde in your fourth house, your sector of domesticity, roots, emotional sensitivity, nurture & home-life, family and security. Pause!

Pay attention to what’s on your mind presently surrounding family, think about your surroundings and the past, refuel, recalibrate, talking to parents, caretakers, your landlord or someone who knows you ‘behind closed doors’.

A sense of comfort, or the need to settle may prove complicated, so that you’re retracing steps within your four walls, or becoming entangled in conversations with those that affect your security or sense of place.

Take it easy and take your time running over the details, discussing the points that need a closer look; reach out or revisit important discussions…

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