Mercury Retrograde In Libra – What You Need To Know!

Mercury Retrograde In Libra 2022...


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your seventh house.

Mars moves through your chatty third house of contact, communication and neighborly ties, while the go-between and light-footed messenger planet now backtracks through your house of partners and personal relations.

Conversations may seem they’re stalled or in flux today, or you may be ready to retrace your steps around a discussion, idea or relationship issue that requires (a re–) negotiation. It’s a time to be receptive to ideas, eager to connect and be available to others but not too wedded to one outcome.

Relationships… With Mars & Mercury moving through engaging air signs you may be keen to participate in social issues, your local knit community, local dealings and be a part of the conversation, building and developing rapport, collaborating.

And yet, it may also seem as if you’re waiting or depending on others to reveal their hand, respond, or give up data and information – a clue! While you’re able to take action in your tight-knit network, certain partnerships may require patience and space – reflect on what’s already been said, the facts and interactions that stand out.

You might find you’re unable to progress within a duo, marriage or meeting of minds, yet try co-operating as best you can! Your skills, making sense of important topics, interactions & personal rapport all likely have momentum, so be in touch with others, even if expressing a message or point goes nowhere!


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your sixth house.

Mars moves through your assured, confident, capable second house of earnings and material security, while the go-between and light-footed messenger now backtracks through your house of work, wellbeing, daily rituals and routine.

It’s an immensely practical time and yet you could find you’re forced to re-visit conversations that center around your employment, health, job or systems in place in your everyday – anticipate annoyances!

Growth… With Mars & Mercury moving through the air signs you may be keen to find yourself rewarded, compensated, thinking of the details, maintenance issues and ways to create efficiencies. Try not to get too hung up on minutiae – it’s all too easy to sweat the small stuff… Keep cool, find balance, helping hands and sense moderation!

It may seem you’re being forced to reorganize, re-strategize or pivot, that you’re extra busy – chores may need to be re-done, tasks re-executed, or you may think you can take on more yet realistically it’s not manageable… Your schedule or appointments may be off! Keep it simple, be consistent, productive, extra coherent in admin, schedule or daily life – what’s easily managed could be thrown into disarray…


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your fifth house.

Mars moves through your sign now Gemini, while your ruling planet the mischievous go-between and messenger planet now backtracks through your playful sector of joyful hobbies, personal gratification, desires and love.

You could find you’re taking a second glance at plans, projects, and people that previously held your gaze with fervor! Or perhaps you’re becoming inclined to re-do an artistic piece, an expression of your talents, or are igniting your passions with a new creative endeavor. Know that issues of procreation and recreation could be laced with difficulty…

Relationships… Mercury is now roving retrograde (gone rogue) in your playful house of amorous pleasure seeking, frivolities, fertility, conceptualization, sexuality, and self-expression; Mars adds enthusiasm and potential drama around the interests that claim your heart & inspire you. You could be chasing and pursuing what you want, arguing with anyone who would try and stop you!

Your passionate, romantic house of lusty indulgences is now activated, spelling the potential to be captivated by your own agenda, (including what you want from loved ones). Go easy as you revisit freewheeling fun and good times!! It may not be easy verbalizing what you’re craving or brings joy.

Think on what or who you adore but consider this notion may change…


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your fourth house.

Mars moves through your quiet, solitary zone of escapism, retreat and sacrifice, while the go-between and light-footed messenger planet now backtracks through your hidden house of family, nesting and nostalgia.

You may find working in quiet surrounds (or practicing silence) suits you best, as a recent discussion, transaction or household matter potentially begin to unravel… It’s a time to stop in your space and think what’s calling your attention (perhaps the past, parenting choices, property or domestic life). Find pockets of isolation and recovery helpful, as you go inward to listen.

Growth… With Mars & Mercury moving through the secret corners of your chart you may be keen to step back, hide from view, in a low-key setting (of least resistance), taking action in ways that are not necessarily evident to all…

Home life may now be affected, in flux or complicated, with Mercury roving retrograde in your fourth house of domesticity and stability – relocation, an issue or dialogue about your homeland, property, or lineage can begin to be rehashed or revised. Sense ways you’ve connected to your foundations, safety or security lately, and drive ahead in your private life, releasing control. Be prepared to rethink all that allows you to be settled, at home and at ease with where you’re from. It may be necessary to go even deeper into selfcare…


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your third house.

Mars moves through your sociable eleventh house of group work, team spirit and collective interests, while the go-between and light-footed messenger planet now backtracks through the corner of your chart that ties you to close kin, neighbors, local contacts and the matters in common affecting you all…

Conversations may seem they’re stalled or in flux today, or you may be ready to retrace your steps around a discussion, idea or local dialogue – a common issue in your environment that requires a rethink, for you to pivot and adapt.

Relationships… With Mars & Mercury moving through engaging air signs you may be keen to connect to colleagues, peers and people in a group setting, with social activity and community endeavors high on your agenda.

And yet, interactions, niceties, engagement, interpersonal skills or rapport could pose frustrations, talks with people you’ve encountered lately may be re-opened, or you may need to revisit someone or something in your local area, with a kindred spirit or general connections pertinent.

Note you may lack clarity in neighborly dealings, or as you navigate and make your way from A-to-B, so give yourself extra time on short trips and excursions. News and information could be miscommunicated, or perhaps you’ll find yourself reconnecting with close friends you’ve neglected!

Pick up the phone to your inner circle, and mingle with enthusiasm!


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your second house.

Mars moves through the highest house of your horoscope, your aspirational, goal oriented tenth house of visibility and success, while the go-between and light-footed messenger planet now backtracks through your financial zone, potentially delivering word or realizations around complications concerning your role or spending. What has come up lately around money?

You may need to reconsider a transaction, your self-worth, value or return & re-strategize what you’re coveting – particularly in ways you’re rewarded that relate or reflect how you wish to be seen in your profession, recognised in your career or reputation and compensated as such…

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Growth… With Mars & Mercury moving through the air signs suggests you may be highly engaged and involved in the practical side of life and your professional dominion, relating to a position that sees you making a living or contributing in some way, and stepping up to be seen, visible, driving ahead with your will to be recognized, noticed or revered at large (for your reputation or career)!

Yet your ruler Mercury is retrograde in your sector of material life, spelling complexities, even hold ups around work & money; earnings or belongings could pose frustrations – lay your hands-on receipts for any purchases you’re not clear on, about what’s yours, what’s due to be paid or your investments. Salary & sustenance are prone to error, be mindful of what you give and get!


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your first house.

Mars moves through your broadminded, adventurous ninth house, while the go-between and light-footed messenger planet now backtracks through your own sign, complicating personal plans and even your thinking or ideas…

Though you may assume you’re on to the “right train of thought” or solo strategy, engaged, receptive and able to be articulate, in fact errors and complications may be presented, with reason to slow down to a halt. Allow transactions and conversations air and breathe, give yourself space to question or come back to people – say “can I come back to you on that?” mindful that what comes out could do with re-working!

Relationships… With Mars & Mercury moving through your element air you’re likely driven and keen to relate to another side of the story – to another philosophy, belief system, experience or perspective. Just be extra mindful around what you say and how you deliver a message… Chatty Mercury is circling back in your sign now, which could prompt you to touch on recent conversations or revisit talks; be diligent and extra cognizant as you offer up opinions, discuss your beliefs or share information.

You could find you’re not quite as on the ball as you hope, at worst lacking coherence, vision or awareness of the big picture. Clear your head, as there’s space to re-discover your true wisdom, and move ahead with people on the path beside you with your education or projects in mind…


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your twelfth house.

Mars moves through your eighth house of private affairs, while the go-between and light-footed messenger planet now backtracks through your elusive, dreamy zone of closure, endings, retreat and renewal. You may find the urge to merge, bond or borrow is strong, yet use your intuition and imagination, really attuning to recent conversations that have been on your mind… Certain talks and even misunderstandings could have played back and forth and you now have a chance to deepen an understanding (and acceptance) around the way you process information and deal with people or situations that are outside your jurisdiction or control…

Growth… With Mars & Mercury moving through the air signs you may gravitate toward trusted unions that allow you to be vulnerable and share your secrets, while also hitting the escape button, in solitary spaces, working in an isolated fashion thoughts and fantasies that have been on your mind lately can become even more prevalent. A scandal or hushed situation could require a low-key approach, with confidentiality, so go easy.

You may easily or find you’re facing up to issues that ask you to address your obligations, promises made (or contracts you’re in), even your mortality, legacy or long-term agenda. Rely on those you know you can count on, retreating to grapple with any alienation or realizations coming up …

Broaching what others owe you or have to give could get you both hot under the collar, so manage expectations around what’s due to come your way.


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your eleventh house.

Mars moves through your seventh house of partners, while the go-between and light-footed messenger planet now backtracks through your hope-fueled house of friends, allies & team spirit, a meeting place for kinship, community and humanitarianism. Show enthusiasm and sense dynamism in getting along with others, while also sensing there may be a reassessment of where you belong socially. Don’t be surprised if you’re questioning your circle of peers…

Conversations in a broader network may confuse you, social etiquette or putting together the pieces of the puzzle in a team or group work.

Relationships… With Mars & Mercury moving through the air signs you may be keen to relate to others at a personal level, but also to find your place in society, your industry – there may be a sense you’ve work to do around collective aims, team spirit and the aspirations for everyman, or niche you find yourself in.

Pay attention to others, one-on-one, while anticipating your social scene may have some hiccups. Relating to your contemporaries or comrades may be complicated, a fellowship, organization, even issues that affect your city, district, audience or following may be challenging.

Note who ‘your people’ are but be ready to pivot or retrace your steps among those superficial acquaintances; be mindful and cognizant how your words are delivered and received by strangers in your crowd or crew…


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your tenth house.

Mars moves through your sixth house of health, routines, rituals and wellbeing, while the go-between and light-footed messenger now backtracks through your aspirational zone of career, reputation and & appearances.

You could find you’re encouraged to rethink your personal brand or how you’re recognized (and what for), checking opinions attached to your name, vocation, brand or overarching direction, Capricorn. Pivot or reassess!

Growth… With Mars & Mercury moving through the air signs you may be in your stride and schedule, feeling organized in your role and healthy living. The highest house of your horoscope is prominent too, with communicator Mercury, bringing attention to your career, title or notoriety – your image and the status or prominence you uphold, and the way you appear at large.

Yet know ambitious plans or conversations with higher ups (even parents) could go awry … Embrace your regime yet note the details around what you’re striving towards can be rebalanced; recognition can be adjusted, being seen in a responsible post of leadership could do with refinement!

A position at the top (visible, seen as ‘successful’, with a message, advancing could take time to unfold, with the requirement of fine-tuning…


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your ninth house.

Mars moves through your fun fifth house of love, passion, and personal gratification, while the go-between and messenger planet now backtracks through your house of publishing, education, higher thought, truth and travel.

A learning process may start to unravel, or require revision, it may seem you’ve missed a step on your path or require another perspective to help you relearn, reword, or rework your knowledge & experience. Your understanding of a project, path or broader system could benefit from extra discussion!

Relationships… Mars potentially sees you in your happy place driving ahead solo feats of interest, with momentum and enthusiasm around your personal feel-good factor, romance and personal gratification (mating & dating!) Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde in your house of long-distance connections might have you keen to interact with those outside your usual framework, to engage people with beliefs, philosophies or a moral stance different to your own. Revisit recent talks! Question to know more!

Note where you’ve experienced something outside of yourself, finding interest and complexity in the world around you and hesitate when broadcasting plans and ideas, engaging with specialist subjects. The message you’re looking to share might need to be revised – news, worldly knowledge, visionary ideas and blue sky thinking … Allow opinions held to be “up for discussion!”


Pause, with communicator Mercury now retrograde in your eighth house.

Mars moves through the base of your horoscope, driving ahead interests at home or in family life, while the messenger planet now backtracks through your intimate sector of trust, mergers and mutual gains, the house of contracts, commitments and bonds… You may find your foundations and domestic side give you an ideal setting or backdrop, as a recent discussion, transaction or private matter becomes complicated. It’s a time to stop in your dealings and investments, with considered, committed collaborations ready to be unpacked.

Relationships… With Mars & Mercury moving through hidden corners of your chart you may be gravitate towards trusted people in your orbit, familiar folk that put you at ease and help you feel comfortable.

Conversations with a special someone or outside party may stall, so that you’re reconsidering a deal, waiting on a contract, agreement or reacquainting yourself with the particulars of what’s shared, owed, been borrowed or due to be pooled between you and others – from finances or resources, to space, your time or kids! Revise and review TRUST & your obligations… You wouldn’t necessarily want to ‘sign on the dotted line’ or take a union further without due diligence, use this time to deeply ruminate on possible outcomes between you and a platonic or romantic significant other (even worst-case scenarios & their implications).

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