Art, Beauty, Culture & The Transit Of Neptune In Capricorn…

Discover more about collective influences, how we were moved by Neptune in this Saturn-ruled sign!

Share the trends of the era and this astrology analysis – the signature style of Neptune in Capricorn…



☆ Greys, Blacks and Wintery Colours ☆ Suits ☆ The Hardcore (Depressing?!) ☆ Lean – Heroine Chic ☆

Planet Neptune really tunes into the fashion style of the moment, as it’s all about the glamour, the art, the style of the time.

Neptune in Capricorn – A Saturn Ruled Sign…

With Neptune in a Saturn-ruled sign, Capricorn, the areas governed by Saturn can be glamorised, idealised, or dissolved and diluted…

What’s more, the tone of Saturn itself will resonate…

Saturn oversees structures, frameworks – the bones – and is Grandfather time.

The slow and steady wisdom, expertise and authority that comes with age; God of Karma and Justice, Saturn delivers consequences for deeds done.

This is the planet associated with status, equitable punishment, ambition, patience, honour, toughness, but with pessimism, hardships, and fatalism.

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall…

via Flickr

What is more Saturnian than a wall?

Neptune is the planet of dissolving, and destruction – or the dismantling – of The Berlin Wall began November 9, 1989, with Saturn conjunct Neptune in Capricorn.

The Berlin Wall was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989, as well as encircling and separating West Berlin from East German territory.

When it started to come down, Uranus, Venus, Saturn and Neptune were in Capricorn, with Mars, Pluto, Mercury and the Sun in Scorpio, with a sextile between Mars-Venus and Uranus.

Neptune In Capricorn: Feed The World! Band Aid & Bob Geldof…

Do They Know It’s Christmas?” is a charity song that was released December 3rd 1984, with a Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn, and Venus and Jupiter co-present in the sign.

Written by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise money for the 1983–1985 famine in Ethiopia, it entered the UK Singles Chart at number one and stayed there for five weeks, becoming Christmas number one.

It sold a million copies in the first week, becoming the fastest-selling single in UK chart history; it held this title until 1997.

Neptune In Capricorn Icon: Annie Lennox…

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A star that dominated in 1984 and 1985 was Capricorn (Sun, Moon, Mercury, North Node) Annie Lennox (a Virgo Rising).

With songs like ‘walking on broken glass’ and ‘no more I love yous’ she penned perfect lyrics for this time of sorrow and sadness!

Neptune In Capricorn Icon: Kate Moss…

Neptune in Capricorn fashion style was all about the hardcore, with thin, lean, angular models.

Capricorn Kate Moss became the poster child for the ‘heroine chic’ look.

Major Trends:

  • Working for the man
  • Feed the World, hunger, depression
  • Cop / Police Movies – exploring authority
  • Yuppies, money and consumerism…

Neptune In Capricorn, TV & Film…

The themes of movies like were often sad and about loss, or tragic and violent:

  • Titanic,
  • Schindler’s List,
  • Terminator, 
  • Die Hard,
  • Trainspotting,
  • Pulp Fiction and
  • Silence of the Lambs.

Shows like My So Called Life verged on a depressing tone. In Party of Five the parents died…


The XFiles first aired with a Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn (18º) with a trine from the Sun in Virgo (at 18º)!

Born With Neptune In Capricorn…

There are two ways we can observe Neptune in Capricorn.

One is through the influence this transit had on people, and the art, music and fashions that became popular during this time frame.

The other is to examine those with the transit or planet prominent – and indeed the zodiac sign.

Kylie Jenner: Neptune Rising In Capricorn…

Capricorn Rising Kylie Jenner

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Capricorn Rising Ariana Grande…

+ Irina Shayk (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Capricorn), Abbey Clancy (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Neptune in Capricorn), FKA Twigs (Sun, Moon, Neptune in Capricorn), Georgia May Jagger (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North Node in Capricorn)…

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