New Year’s Eve Astrology And Horoscope…

Note The Mood Of The Moon – And Celebrate By The Stars! Venus meets Pluto just after those on the East Coast are celebrating New Year’s Eve...

It’s Capricorn season as we wave goodbye to 2022 and ring in and brand new year.

But what else is in the stars for New Year’s Eve?

Both the Sun and Messenger Mercury are trekking through Capricorn, with pleasure planet Venus now caught up Pluto’s snare…


Our desires may be insatiable, we may feel entangled in a power dynamic, utterly seduced by present goings-on.

There’s no shying away from the hot topics that have been looming large: industry, Politics, Pandemics & big Pressing Issues!

New Year’s Eve Horoscope | December 31st 2022!


Venus appears in your ambitious tenth house, in the arms of Pluto.

Note if external appearances, your image at large, your public persona or reputation has a hold on you now, Aries.

There may be professional or personal issues that compel you to broach how you’re seen in the world, the mark you make through your vocation or public face –– or maybe it’s important you’re able to control the way you’re viewed on this special day (coming across to others as you’d like)…

It’s New Years; you likely desire recognition, to be respected or even applauded or acknowledged, known and appreciated.

And yet, you may have to tolerate other people stepping up in a position of power…

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of prestige, notoriety and acclaim; look toward your goals and the aspirations you have (to be known or recognised) …

The pairing of Venus and Pluto could intensify your evening, with a partner, rival, key person of interest, or family member taking the spotlight!

Note the impression you want to make and who its important you impress – note the status you have, the visibility you have access to, and where your ambitions are all consuming!

As the Moon moves through Taurus, you may need to feel secure, stable, comfortable and satiated; safety or ‘having enough’ may be prominent, or you might be inclined to contribute, sensing you’re doing something worthwhile and practical now… Feel valued! Or be sensible, and get to work!

Growth… Your title, standing, professional life, brand or vocational direction may now seem like an intense issue, thanks to the combination of Venus and Pluto together at the top of your chart.

Money-making and what you do that’s rewarding or lucrative likely feels good, so you can lean into your own role or position, potentially taking control around the person you appear to be, reaching toward your goals… Long term progress has been made, now allow others to see the power you’ve yielded.


Your ruler Venus now appears in your ninth house of wisdom, in the arms of Pluto – note if international relations, foreign or political issues, beliefs, or a matter that takes you long-distance has somewhat of a hold on you.

You may have journeyed far and wide, getting an education about another culture, or the way other people see life. Now, you’re likely able to relate or connect to those who are quite unlike you, with a moral or philosophical project or plan that takes you beyond what’s known (into their head space).

It’s New Years; you likely desire an experience that opens your mind, eyes and comprehension of life! And yet, you may have to tolerate those that dominate you with their perspective, or a topic of importance that seems consuming!!

Four celestial bodies appear in austere Capricorn and your house of travel, education, theology and higher thought, signaling a time to hone in on specialist subjects, meaningful discourse, and places further afield.

The pairing of Venus and Pluto could intensify your evening, forcing you to touch on ‘the big picture’. Despite how far you’ve ventured, you may not be entirely comfortable treading in terrain that pushes you to discuss or participate in certain subjects or areas that are hard to deal with.

Remember the long road you’ve walked to reach this destination, face any uncomfortable topics at the dinner table (religion, how you handle problems compared to important counterparts, like a spouse or partner & depression!)

Growth… As the Moon moves through your own sign, Taurus, and your first house, you’ll want to refuel, tend to number one, and satiate your own needs!

Dress as you feel most comfortable, get a last-minute manicure or hair trim, or take a long soak in the tub – self-care is an ideal way to round off the year, really focusing on your SELF.

Perhaps this looks like an hour on the phone to someone that’s close to you – make telephone calls and catch up on holiday cheer if you’ve missed out on speaking to familiar voices lately.

You might also like to run to the shops in your neighborhood, meeting and greeting regular faces before the year is through…


Venus now appears in your eighth house of trust in the arms of Pluto – note a desire to trust others and what they might give, loan, how they might borrow or welcome you into their space to share!

There may be a show of loyalty, which reflects a much deeper theme you’ve come to work with over time, understanding the power dynamics between you and other people. Note what you possess and what’s pooled between you, what you’re keen to invest or energy, resources or time you might pledge.

It may be New Year’s (a time of joy and revelry) but you likely desire a closer bond, and the sensation you can really rely on others to pull through when you’re facing a testing time.

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of commitments, signalling a time to hone in on your obligations and cemented ties or agreements.

The pairing of Venus and Pluto could intensify what you look to others to do for you, what you expect others to bestow, buy or donate to you.

Remember that money is sometimes interchangeable with power, and vice versa; rather than getting het up, lean into the idea that you will get your dues, that two parties can do better than one right now (and be aware of what you’re giving up to be unified or in league with a partner) …

As the Moon moves through Taurus, there may be a need to slip off the radar, to disappear and indulge in a private affair! Just be mindful there could be a tight grip on what’s shared between you: space, children, money or an oath.

Growth… Look to your legacy, Gemini – what will be left of you, what you’re building or developing with others, and how you might plan longer term for the future…

Mortality and the inevitabilities in life aren’t light and carefree, and now with so much activity in your zone of bonding you may be examining & thinking of the darker side of life, where you’re chained, bound or contracted.

Assess what’s set in stone, and where that suits you. The Taurus Moon puts you at ease with a slower, more sedentary pace, inviting you to escape via the senses, indulging, or switching off into secretive affairs…

Sidle up to those you can count on to have a good time!


Venus now appears in your seventh house, in the arms of Pluto – note if one person or one [subtle] relationship dynamic stands out as toxic, even controlling, dominating or seductive, with a hold on you that’s all-consuming!

There may be an interpersonal issue that compels you to broach how you deal one-on-one, how you face up to certain folk – i.e. a spouse, busines partner, a family member, boss or client, a friend, frenemy or competitor!

It’s New Years; you likely desire certain people to show up for you, and yet, you may have to tolerate the suffocating qualities of one person or one union.

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of ‘others’, signaling a time to hone in on the way you maneuver in one-to-ones.

The pairing of Venus and Pluto could intensify your evening, so be sure to know who will be at your table or party, showing up at the same location as you, or even welcomed into your home…

As the Moon moves through Taurus, friends in the community or people in your network may bear prominence – your role & place in society, or among a crew, as an audience member or person of significance may be important! Or a new group of radical changemakers may welcome you with open arms…

Sense your allies, acquaintances, and the significant other that stands out.

Growth… With Pluto slowly making its way through Capricorn and your opposite sign since 2008, your approach to one-on-ones has likely transformed, with remarkable, unparalleled growth through the people you’re involved with.

You may have become a master of the negotiation process, or far more firm about what you expect, want and desire from others (be it a happy home or a baby, a secure base, a sense of community, or joy and happiness!)

The Taurus Moon brings you toward a buzzing social scene or circle of friends – human interests may offer the greatest opportunity to feel yourself now, so mingle among the masses, social among your peers…


Venus now appears in your systematic sixth house, in the arms of Pluto – note how an everyday practice (or obsession), your approach to a healthy lifestyle, employment or simply being busy has a hold on you now, Leo.

There may be a body issue that compels you to broach how you operate in a routine sense, habits, chores or simple acts that are helpful and compelling (i.e. an urgent dietary request, the way you exercise or walk a certain path).

It’s New Years – for some a time to let loose and celebrate, yet you likely desire a way to maintain your everyday rituals, even sensing a modicum of control over subordinates, those that manage you, or how you’re inclined to delegate.

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of routines, duty, service and employment – the house of wellbeing and sickness, of ‘best process’ to stay at your optimum. This is the sector of helping hands, support systems and assistance that helps you keep order.

The pairing of Venus and Pluto could intensify your day, with the relationship you have with a manager or an employee holding court. Someone in your usual environment could take the spotlight and force you to engage!

As the Moon moves through Taurus, you may need to feel seen, recognized for the work you do in the world, claiming a title, accolade or even a moment of fame. Be sure to step up, and appreciate those there to serve…

Growth… Your own health, position, maintenance and productivity may now seem like an issue, thanks to the combination of Venus and Pluto in your work-a-day zone of regular upkeep. The way you do things may now be improved upon!

Your public life and what you do to uphold an image in the public eye likely feels comfortable, so you can lean into your reputation or professional role, potentially taking control around the little things you do with consistency…

Progress has been made over time, now allow others to see the hard work you’ve put in and dedicated yourself to, tending to the details, sensitive to how you’re being portrayed externally…


Venus now appears in your passionate, creative fifth house, in the arms of Pluto – note where your heart and desires now lead you, what you’re obsessed with doing, expressing or what has a hold on you now, Virgo.

There may be a strong pull to do something, to show others the way to your heart or happiness! Your love life, the issue of pregnancy, or even a business side hustle could draw you to have fun, and produce something meaningful…

It’s New Years; you likely desire a kiss at midnight! And yet, lust, having a good time, games or a playmate could grip you more strongly than you’d like!

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of fertility, sexuality, talents, hobbies, passion projects and entertainment, signaling a time to let loose! The blend of Venus-Pluto could be intoxicating, sexy, lusty and ravishing, or could seem controlling, dominating and fierce!

Whether you’re dating, baby-making, partying and living life to the fullest, or navigating a lover or friend that’s jealous, be sure to gain valuable perspective.

As the Moon moves through Taurus and your sector of philosophy, visionary ideas and global plans, be in the company of those that are worldly, or who show you another perspective and outlook on life…

Growth… As Venus meets Pluto, you might find you‘re deep diving into channels for personal gratification and artistic expression, with a potency to your creativity, and the talent you’ve honed… Go for what you want & nothing less, but sense how your own interests can dominate and consume you!

There may be a person, hobby, craft, game, pastime, plan, person or pursuit that’s making you smile but also sucks you in.

Note how you can give away all your time (i.e. to your Instagram, a musical instrument, passion project or even to your child or pet). It may be fun but also obsessive. Your heart strings may be getting tugged with a slightly uncomfortable pull.

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The Taurus Moon spells adventure, so get out of your zip code or touch base with a friend that’s different!


Your ruler Venus now appears in your fourth house, in the arms of Pluto – note if your sense of stability, security, safety or your foundations (or home life in general) has a hold on you now, Libra.

There may be an issue that compels you to broach how you ground yourself or settle in place, the surrounding environment you dwell in or domestic settings may be important, with the matter of ‘control’ impressed upon you.

It’s New Years, and you likely desire a warm sensation of comfort to envelop you as you wrap up the year gone by. Yet, figures in household spaces (or a parent) may affect where you live, seeming all-powerful, even all-consuming!

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of roots, land, lineage and home, signaling a time to look within – to the past and ancient history (and the memory vault), or to your inner sensitivities.

The pairing of Venus and Pluto could intensify your evening, with a domestic issue or family member, or someone you live with deeply significant now.

You’ve likely come so far, grappling with heavy, even suffocating issues surrounding the way you find a stable base, so try to reckon with what good can come out of any current challenges (or toxic traditions, and parenting patterns) …

As the Moon moves through Taurus, you may need to feel there are people, resources or spaces you can count on; how you rely on others to show up for you might have radically changed or been altered this year, so try to align with those that offer something practical for you both.

Growth… Your foundations & how you gain steady footing may now seem intense – domesticity, household matters, nurture, parenting or your sense of security may hold gravitas, your start in life, or how you were able to develop emotional resilience. Maybe you now deeply appreciate where you’re from!

Face any chains ready to be untethered, seize back control, or look at where you’re trapped; the Taurus Moon suggests that building something with support of others, and getting vulnerable is the key – develop trust and loyalty as you sense what you truly desire in your space…


Venus now appears in your third house, in the arms of Pluto – note if close kin, sibling ties and those in your local area have somewhat of a hold on you.

There may be a communication issue that compels you to broach how you express yourself, how you relate or connect to others around you, or maybe it’s important you’re able to control who you encounter on this special day…

It’s New Years; you likely desire certain people to show up, certain company to celebrate with or spend time around, or to speak to people on the phone or messenger. And yet, you may have to tolerate those who dominate your inner circle – a situation, dealings or topic of importance could consume you all!

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of neighbors, brothers, sisters and familiar folk, signaling a time to hone in on those around you. Be aware close friends may demand something of you!

The pairing of Venus and Pluto could intensify your evening…

As the Moon moves through Taurus, certain individuals may stand out – a partner or someone you encounter may be a teacher or guide sent to you, or introduce you to another way of seeing the world (with radical topics to touch on!)

The dynamics between yourself and others may ask you to be sensitive and empathize with what another is going through…

Thankfully, those around you are likely to get along, despite the sizzling atmosphere that’s palpable! (A partner could get on well with old school friends, cousins or work colleagues).

Growth… Sometimes we can choose who we’re around, our immediate ties and those in our environment, in other instances, we’re all heaped together. As 2022 draws to a close, reflect on the people you select as your pals, best friends or allies – folk you see regularly, and what you all have in common.

Think too about your mindset, outlook, opinions, writing projects or conversational points that mean something to you. Friendly chatter may be laced with something underlying that’s far more deep and meaningful, so recognize those that ‘get’ what you’re interested in connecting on…


Venus now appears in your second house, in the arms of Pluto – note any money or work issues that appear to have a hold on you now, Sagittarius.

There may be a financial (or personal) matter that’s directly connected to your belongings, bank balance or personal possessions, to your income or self-sufficiency, which compels you to broach how you contribute, the input you have and your ‘earning power’ or value.

It’s New Year’s, a time to celebrate, and yet what you have, can make, build or attain may be a contentious subject, in some way controlled…

Your assets, resources and rewards may run deep, with intensity around wealth & worth.

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of personal priorities, personal value and personal worth, signaling a time to look toward all you do that’s appreciated (for yourself, and your own confidence, or by others who see the worthwhile endeavors you’re undertaking) …

As the Moon moves through Taurus, you may need to feel busy, in a consistent stride helping others, serving or doing your duty! Gravitate toward those that allow you to live well, at your beast with a healthy lifestyle!

Note what you desire – perhaps the ability to thrive and survive solo, maybe recognition in your role, or something only you can acquire solo…

Growth… Your material world, capabilities and finances are in the spotlight, and potentially the theme of self-control around what you’re able to spend, or what you appear to splash out on, or, perhaps someone else has prompted you to be more aware of the part you play (on the books or balance sheet).

Health, day-to-day regimes, work or habits may call, with the rhythm of your own wellness reminding you to stay in check and on your A-game.

Don’t forget the schedule or rituals that see you at your best. Money and the role you uphold may have a tight grip: personal gains and the way you make a living or handle your income and output. Be sure to enjoy profits that are yours alone, or a transformed approach to all you have.


Venus now appears in your first house, in the arms of Pluto – note any personal or physical improvements or transformations undergone, how you’ve stepped into your personal power, Capricorn, and carved out your character!

There may be a very apparent shift to your look, appearance or purpose, a change may have occurred deep within that only you know about, so that who you are is forever altered, with no turning back…

It’s New Year’s, a time to make the most of our charisma and magnetism – you may want to reveal your influence, you likely desire the spotlight!

Yet there could be a certain sense of control around how you appear…

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of identity, character, personality and personal life, making it all about you – and potentially making it hard to focus on others!

You have permission to be empowered, yet be careful not to dominate, control or OVERpower others. You may have gone deep, others might not!

As the Moon moves through Taurus, you may need to express yourself, get creative and have fun!

There may be a pet project, or a joyful encounter that has your heart… Don’t shy away from your own interests and those that make you smile – draw near to what feels good, including playmates, playdates, your sexuality and sense of heart!

Growth… Venus arm-in-arm with Pluto in your sign could force you to confront a side of yourself that’s powerful – you may need to assert yourself, with clout or influence, showing others what you’re made of.

Take control of your body and appearance could be thematic, or affirming your plans, who you are, what you want and what’s important to you!

Note how you’ve shifted into an authentic (no BS) version of yourself, the ways you’re able to be profoundly genuine about your tastes.

The Taurus Moon can bring excitement, moving through your fifth house of games, entertainment, passions, sex, sports, fun and fertile stirrings – be delighted by the ease you feel around kids, or the people that spark JOY.


Venus now appears in your private twelfth house in the arms of Pluto – note if mysterious situations, recovery, healing or a journey inward has a hold on you now, Aquarius, and make your way through…

There may be a secretive quality hanging in the air, a sense of limbo, a desire to go it alone or take space just for you and your own process – or, working tirelessly away from others on alternative projects!

It’s New Years, for some a time to unravel and party the last few hours of the year away, for others a time to turn off their phone, to disconnect, isolate and gain some peaceful respite…

Perhaps others will enjoy the chance for quiet and take a vacation or personal day! Any of these options may suit you, or be forced upon you, with themes of escapism and solitude in the stars…

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of sleep, dreams, surrender and selflessness.

Give in to what’s now pulling you under, finding you’re in a waiting period (or holding pen), waiting for the votes to be cast and counted. Someone may be holding off, keeping you in the dark!

Perhaps news will arrive next year that’s now percolating, or you’re occupying another liminal space, well-worn groves you’ve come to know, toiling behind the scenes…. Allow your charitable nature time to shine.

As the Moon moves through Taurus, you may need to feel connected to family, where you’re from, or household issues may draw you in; safe, sacred spaces may make it easier to see your story through to its end!

Growth… The alluring mix of Venus and Pluto now occurs in the blind spot of your horoscope, the sector of surrender and closure, catharsis and exhalation.

You may have become adept with life behind closed doors (quarantine, working from home or some other kind of loneliness!) It may not be easy, anticipating what’s on the other side of the screen or walls, and yet you might cope incredibly well with the unknown.

Tolerate what’s elusive or evasive, enjoying a chance to dip out of sight.

Domestic life may need to be tended, a family member or your roots could be where you feel most at ease…


Venus now appears in your collaborative eleventh house of acquaintances, in the arms of Pluto.

Note your outlook on society, your network of peers, on teamwork and even social media, and where humanity (and the part you play in a broader group or social scene) has a hold on you.

There may be an issue among friends in your community, social engagement (IRL or online) that compels you to broach subjects that are important to you.

It’s New Years; you likely desire the sensation of being part of an industry or collective effort, to be in good company, with people in wider circles that suit you and the causes you care about!

Yet, you may have to tolerate certain people, allies or audience members that are at worst, toxic!

Relationships… Four celestial bodies appear in Capricorn and your house of fellowship, heightening the importance of friendship, camaraderie and community.

Be aware however, that Venus in the arms of Pluto could intensify your evening & social scene, with a signature that reminds you of tough situations that occur in the world, and what you’re able (or unable) to do about it.

As the Moon moves through Taurus, neighbours, kindred spirits, siblings or folk in your inner circle may stand out.

A sister or close alliance may be the fun pal you need!

Say yes to a party in close proximity to you, or have a good time navigating, reaching out to chat to old school friends, cousins or mates, reminiscing and catching up with something unique to say…

Growth… The word ‘influence’ and ‘influencer’ have a loaded meaning these days, with social media hosting plenty of both!

Your relationship to peers and an audience may have transformed over time, so that you now find yourself connected to the world in a way that’s shifted.

With the good company comes the bad, and although you may desire engagement with the world, today you may sense the darker side of society, the world and its people.

Or, you may be able to lay claim to a sense of control where your fellows are concerned. Prove to yourself where you’ve wielded power… Be comfortable with your voice, opinions, intellect & message!!

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