How To Survive Mercury Retrograde This Christmas – Have A Very Merry Retrograde!


Have A Very Merry Retrograde!

Firstly, here are the dates you need to know…

NOVEMBER 15th – Mercury enters its ‘shadow’ period (13º Sagittarius), issues from this period will come up for RE-examination during REtrograde.
DECEMBER 3rd – Mercury appears REtrograde (29º Sagittarius), through to January 8th).
DECEMBER 23rd – Mercury appears Direct (13º Sagittarius), clearing his retrograde path January 10th 2018 – Mercury moves past the point that he started to back track (29º Sagittarius), and we’re home clear!

So just a reminder, Mercury rules:

Commerce and

Mercury Retrograde (a.k.a. MRx) is a time that everything’s going twice as fast. It’s simply an optical illusion but its cycle has some sway human behaviour – science buffs be damned!

My Top Tips For the Christmas Period….

1. Post & Packages

Get in Early at the Post Office if you want cards and parcels to arrive unscathed…

Add tracking and insurance on those items you don’t want to see get lost in the ether.

2. Shopping & Commerce Could be Crazy!

Avoid buying phones, computers, appliances and gadgets as presents, because a retrograde period might create a refund scenario, what a drag. Avoid buying phones, computers, appliances and gadgets as presents, because a retrograde period might create a refund scenario, and that just a but of a drag.

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3. Check Travel Details Thrice!

Mercury rules over travel, especially short trips. The holidays are busy at the best of times so be on to of your arrangements. Store the details of trips, events and parties in a couple of places.

4. Be Extra Organized In Your Plans & Communications

With such a lot of parties and commerce at this busy time of year it could get a little crazy. Offices get heated at this time of the year, don’t succumb to MRx drama! Slow down your emails, calls and communication, during Mercury Retrograde it always pays to double check who the recipient is or scan for errors.

5. Rest & Recoup

Take it SLOW during Mercury Retro!

Mercury’s going to really serve us over the coming weeks in getting some HUGE clarity on our thinking in this area. And as always you can consider MRx a great time to REST AND RECUPERATE.

Share with friends and family to keep your crew the right side of the stars!

Mercury Retrograde doesn’t have to screw things up for us.

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How will you make the most of your Mercury Retro?! Here’s a video from last years Merry Retrograde!

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