Change Gonna Come… Uranus In Taurus Horoscope Through The Houses…

It’s an exciting (and potentially erratic), groundbreaking time in the stars!

Uranus is the planet of progress, innovation, technology, change! But also disruption, awakenings, and radical alterations.


Uranus in Taurus activates your money-minded second house of earnings, income, and material assets.

 It could be a time when you appear to have clarity on urgent matters connected to your vocation, earnings, or how you make money. There’s potential to derive gains online or build up resources in genius or inventive ways.

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you sustain yourself, Aries, open to ideas that could alter yet benefit your pay packet.

Be open to different ways of working, and be cognizant of purchases, too! The energy now is spontaneous, for better or worse, and since Uranus moves in the material realms, be extra mindful of what’s in your possession…


Uranus in Taurus activates your persona, purpose and physical incarnation, Taurus – how you show up and appear to others.

You’re known as a stable, reliable, even predictable sign, yet with electrifying Uranus you could see change, feeling extra activated, inspired, and ready to mix things up…

It’s an exciting (and potentially erratic) energy to embrace a time to shake up appearances; notice if you’re finding it hard to settle or sit still, fuelled by what feels like an awakening of sorts.

It could now be a time when you appear to have clarity around your purpose, but also a sense of urgency when it comes to personal affairs, even your look or character. You can step into a project or embrace ways of being that go against the grain, open to different ways of working, spontaneous, ready to break out of the mold or your ‘norms’ – particularly what you ‘should’ be doing.

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you present yourself, physically, open to ideas that could alter the way you come across for the better. Consider helping the disenfranchised with your fresh perspective, and also the environment, too!


Uranus in Taurus activates your secretive twelfth house of endings, surrender, dreams, and escapism.

It’s an ideal time to consider your spiritual life, and whether you’re open to shifting unconscious thoughts and behaviors, which can happen in a flash. There’s potential to use online methods (i.e. Skype counseling), technological advancements, or alternative practices in opening yourself up, and you might be able to tap in using genius or inventive ways.

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you overcome hardships, welcoming inspiration around what helps you feel good at the most subtle level, for example, charitable acts and undertakings, helping others, and getting enough rest.

Be cognizant of self-sabotage, too! spontaneous, for better or worse, and since Uranus occurs in the mysterious realms of undoing, be extra mindful of actions you’re now taking that could disrupt your peace of mind.


Uranus in Taurus activates your sociable eleventh house of teamwork, company interests, & friendship.

It could now be a time when you appear to have clarity on urgent matters connected to your social network, industry, scene, and who you’re keen to connect with in your sector. There’s potential to meet different types of peers, or to reinvent yourself among friends that are supportive, helpful, and see sense in what you do and offer.

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you interact with those in the wider world (and online), open to ideas that could alter yet benefit your career and status.

Be open to different ways of working among the masses, collaborating, crowd funding, being ‘part of’ a scene. You might even join a club house or find yourself spontaneously placed in a new group, passionate and lit up by a fresh cause to care about.


Uranus in Taurus activates your visible tenth house of career, reputation, status, and public image.

You could now appear to have clarity on urgent matters connected to your occupation, the way you come across in the world at large (online), in your vocation, or around the path and direction you’re following. There’s potential to make a difference, to shake up established or traditional institutions, to make an impression that’s liberating, different, genius or inventive.

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you show up. Open up to a new, alternative direction, or ways of working, and be cognizant of what could do with a more contemporary touch – technologically or diversifying and modernizing attitudes!

Ensure your career is moving with the times. The energy is spontaneous, for better or worse, and Uranus occurs in the professional/outer realms, be extra mindful of your image and standing.


Uranus in Taurus activates your worldly ninth house of journeys, seeking, experiences and education.

This is the zone of broadcasting, wisdom, and overseas connections, be mindful of what gets related, published, and sent out en masse! Note what you feel compelled to explore, discuss, pursue, or carry forth as a message. Similarly, be mindful of what you’re inspired to follow, subscribe or sign up to – a course, travel expedition, seminar or cult! Collectively it’s an electrifying, groundbreaking day in the stars, and for you, it could be experienced among your pursuit of the truth and the way you learn, grow, expand and find your way.

You might have clarity on a subject or awaken to a major download, moral code, dream, inspiration, or vision. There’s potential to be heard online or to usher in genius ideas via digital channels, apps, and websites.

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you navigate, open to ideas that could alter yet benefit your understanding of the world, different cultures and unfamiliar terrain.


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Uranus in Taurus, and your committed, resolute eighth house of shared interests, resources, pooled assets, trust, and special bonds.

It could now be a time when you appear to have clarity around how you sustain relationships, how you develop your alliance and show you’re there for others – and ascertain if they’re serious about you, too. This may come in the way of a contract, marriage certificate, mortgage or some other ‘proof’ now and in the years ahead, with your relationship status in love or business appearing to have done a 180º; changed. Today, there’s potential to use fresh thinking on matters connected to partnerships, and how you come together with others for mutual gains and security.

Consider different and alternative ways to build (wealth and resources) together, in genius or inventive ways – digitally, online, through an app. Perhaps you’re taking care of a joint account through a new payment system, or you’ve found a way to co-parent that pushes the envelope.

The energy now is spontaneous, for better or worse, and since Uranus occurs in the realms of serious relationships, be extra mindful of what you’re promising another.

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking xxx


Uranus in Taurus activates your opposite sign, and the seventh house of intimate relationships.

There’s an exciting (and potentially erratic) outlook in marriages or partnerships. The energy now is spontaneous, for better or worse, and with Uranus in your house of partners be mindful when it comes to all one-to-ones – not only a spouse but a therapist, coach or business ally.

Note what’s on your mind, and what you feel compelled to verbalize, message to friends, or express. Collectively it’s an electrifying, groundbreaking time in the stars, and for you it could be experienced among your closest ties and ways you communicate.

It could be a time when you appear to have clarity or an opinion on urgent or important matters in your local area, or pertaining to siblings, peers and how you interact. There’s potential to be heard online or to relate in genius or inventive ways (technological channels, apps and websites).

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you navigate, open to ideas that could alter yet benefit your rapport.


Uranus in Taurus activates your sixth house of health, wellbeing, and daily acts of service and ritual.

It could now be a time when you’re gaining clues or perspective on what serves you in the way you live day-to-day; from eating a plant-based diet or being involved in healthy food choices, to holistic ways of treating ailments and uncomfortable conditions… You may be inclined to work in a field that steers you more into sustainability or even plant based solutions!

Note urgent or important matters connected to wellness, your diet, and your work environment; are you overloaded with toxic tasks or employment circumstances? Do you need assistance or better scheduling equipment to help you live better?

There’s potential to improve your lifestyle with genius, inventive ways, so be open to different solutions – apps, systems, products, or streamlining your workload.

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you maintain yourself, body, mind, and spirit on the daily, cognizant of what helps you feel good – quitting smoking, coffee, alcohol, and certain practices could be part and parcel.

The energy now is spontaneous, for better or worse, and since Uranus occurs in the realms of your body you could sense this energy in the most physical way!


Uranus in Taurus activates your fifth house of conception, passion, love and personal interests…

It could now be time to shake up romance, your amorous nature, who you might date, what makes you tick – and what makes your heart race faster!

With this unruly, radical planet in your fun, fertile fifth house you might have a change of heart around a love interest, making a baby, creative projects, or you may want to do a 180º in ways that spark joy!

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking in your changing likes and dislikes, your tastes, hobbies, delights, and even use genius, inventive ways to improve and shift into happiness. Consider different solutions – apps for meeting people (or having sex), digital solutions or websites to explore your interests, IVF or more progressive ways to connect with your kids.

The energy now is spontaneous, for better or worse and you could even experience something out of the blue – pregnancy, drama, or a romantic liaison!


Uranus in Taurus activates your security conscious, sensitive fourth house, you could now be spotlighting shifts at home – your property, changes to your household, or alterations to the way you view the ways and means you intend to settle, nest, and root yourself.

It’s an ideal time to consider family life, and whether you’re open to shifting emotional matter, figuratively, psychically, or literally, which can happen in a flash.

There’s potential to move cross country or the other side of the world under these astrological skies, and, while this won’t happen all at once, swift sweeping changes may be easier to consider…

Using online methods, digital solutions and technological advancements in domestic spaces, for nutrition or eating could be favored. Alternative ways of coming home to roost could be in the stars – maybe living in a commune or alternative housing is in the stars. Tap to the property market using genius or inventive ways, you are a whizz kid, after all, Aquarius!

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around parenting, boundaries, ancestry and even your health and the way you feed yourself and others.

The energy now is spontaneous in the fourth house of land and property be extra mindful of actions you’re taking in decorating and DIY.


Uranus in Taurus activates your chatty third house of kindred spirits, neighbors, and speech.

This transit could be experienced among your closest ties and ways you communicate – perhaps in the digital realms or in what you’re looking to communicate!

There’s the possibility of exciting (and potentially erratic) development of skills, and a spontaneity to your sense of connection. Be mindful of what comes shooting out your mouth!

Note what’s on your mind, and what you feel compelled to verbalize, message to friends, or express. 

It could be a time when you appear to have clarity or an opinion on urgent or important matters in your local area, or pertaining to siblings, peers and how you interact. There’s potential to be heard online or to relate in genius or inventive ways (technological channels, a podcast, app, or websites).

Welcome breakthroughs and fresh thinking around how you navigate, open to ideas that could alter yet benefit your rapport.

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