What To Do During Mars Retrograde – Top Tips!

Do's & Don'ts for this heady spell...

Mars Retrograde – Do Slow Down… Don’t Trip!

Mars Retrograde is a time when our energy and actions are busy and distracted.

Just as Mercury rules commerce, communication, networks, travel, and our sibling-like ties to others – all of which go haywire during Mercury Retrograde – Mars sends his domain into overdrive, i.e. our sexuality, perseverance, our fighting spirit and reserves of ardent drive can be knocked off course.

Watch for accidents, action, arguments, motors-cars-racing-competition, fire, explosives, conquests, warfare, masculinity and all kinds of pursuit.


Our primary sexual urges can be off.

Be wary of cuts and sharp objects, the surgeons knife!

It might be a chaotic period of in-action, as our plans may back-fire or be thwarted by obstacles.

Other people might seem to have a quick temper, be overactive, rash and take action on impulse. Drives may wane, including our sex-drive! 

Will power, assertiveness, forthrightness and the ability to power and drive through life will be on slow-gear, even reverse!

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Mars-ruled zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio are the most susceptible to Mars Retrograde, and the most sensitive to Mars transits in general.


Aries is so used to powering ahead – the ram that charges first and thinks never!

She is less inclined to pause and more likely to come unstuck because of her natural racey inclinations.

Similarly Scorpio is an intense type that follows her primal feelings – her strong emotions and urges.

Both these signs are in touch with their Mars, but when Mars appears retrograde they could be thrown off by the backspin.

Mars Retrograde – Recharge & Rest…

Opportunities – Do’s & Don’ts…

It’s important to review how we expend our energies and the projects we’re progressing.

This is a great time to reassess the action-plan, re-work where our energies are directed, RECHARGING and RESTING.

  • Don’t initiate new projects now (if possible), plans could need re-assertion.
  • Don’t pick your face or take a knife to
  • Don’t Panic – Mars appears retrograde every two years, nothing to go Gaga over.
  • Don’t Phone Your Ex – don’t call an ex-lover that was only ever going to be a hook up! Ex-boyfriends are more likely to show up now, use this as closure, not an excuse for one last liaison.
  • Don’t Buy A Car – you might be more likely to need to revisit a mechanic or loose out if we race ahead in our new motor. As above, getting into an online spat (Aquarius:online / Mars:fighting).
  • Don’t Play With Fire – or explosives, sharp objects, be mindful on the roads. Generally be aware of potential accidents. Don’t push ahead, don’t force or forge forwards. Sometimes enthusiasm, persistence and tenacity is called for, but in this instance avoid aggressive moves.


  • Do Be Careful!
  • Do Show Patience, love and tolerance) to your fellow man! Rather than being aggressive be quick to step down and show compassion. Don’t flip the bird in traffic, turn the other cheek. Especially on social media – people love getting into heated arguments via their screens and this Mars retrograde could really highlight online arguments (Aquarius-Mars).
  • Do Rest & Recoup! Re-strategise entrepreneurial ventures, rework networking and friendship circles / team sports / social activities / social activism / ways to champion a cause / ways to be a rebel / be among community.
  • Reflect on friendships that were Mars-like, driven by zealous energy, team-type relationships or sexually motivated connections, that could even be a girly friendship, if you both liked going out on the prowl!

Re-launch your activities when Mars goes direct…

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