2024 Horoscope Forecast – An Overview Of The Year Ahead!

Take a look at your month by month guide, with special dates for the diary...

This 2024 horoscope is a general overview of the twelve months ahead, with the most important days to mark in your diary.

2024 Horoscope By Sign…

Not ready yet but! Jump to a reading by sign, remembering to read for your Sun Sign and Rising Sign…

Aries 2024 Horoscope | Taurus 2024 Horoscope | Gemini 2024 Horoscope | Cancer 2024 Horoscope | Leo 2024 Horoscope | Virgo 2024 Horoscope | Libra 2024 Horoscope | Scorpio 2024 Horoscope | Sagittarius 2024 Horoscope | Capricorn 2024 Horoscope | Aquarius 2024 Horoscope | Pisces 2024 Horoscope

Coming soon…

Most Important Dates In 2024

Mark your calendars with these special dates. In my opinion these are the key moments we should all be aware of!

You will see I’ve mentioned ‘stelliums’ many times, this is an assembly of planets in one sign. A stellium could maximise the attention on a particular area or theme, collectively or in your own chart as an individual.

Get in touch for a reading!

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  • January 21st (Sunday) – The Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius hand in hand! This is a big deal, probably one of the most important cosmic shifts of the year. Pluto makes its way into Aquarius, just as it did in 2023. This time, the Sun accompanies the planet of potency and punches, making for an even greater focus on the initial degree of Aquarius. Remember, this was the point of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on Winter Solstice 2020.
  • February 18th (Sunday) – A Stellium in Aquarius! There’s a great emphasis on the eleventh sign of our zodiac, as the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto assemble in this air sign. What’s more, the Moon will move through Gemini, too. A few days earlier we see a meet up of Mars and Pluto (on Valentine’s Day no less), and Venus meets Mars a few days later (the 22nd). This window in February will amplify the intensity of all our relationships, unions and partnerships, including friendships and the way we relate to groups and societies. Read more about Pluto in Aquarius here.
  • March 1st (Friday) – A Stellium in Pisces… The Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pisces gather together in the watery sign of the fish. Meanwhile, the Moon moves through Scorpio, also of this element. Here we have an opportunity to connect to the more empathic, compassionate, sensitive side of ourselves. Take a break from life to bond with those that are important to you.
  • April 20th (Wednesday) – Taurus Season, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus! Here’s the real kicker of 2024. The biggest planet in our Solar System (Jupiter) arrives at the same degree as Uranus in Taurus, just as the Sun enters this sign too. The Moon will be moving through earthy Virgo, making it an ideal time for productive plans to appear prominent.
  • May 1st (Wednesday) – Mars enters Aries, returning to its domicile sign. Home at last, we can all get on with tackling what can be broached. Soon Pluto turns retrograde, however throughout May all other planets are direct! Get on with it!
  • June 6th (Thursday) – A New Moon in Gemini with a Giant BUZZ! At this time, the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter (the two communication and travel planets) will form a stellium. Here we have an opportunity for a major new beginning and fresh start. Language, connection and journey’s will be emphasised, so get your social calendar ready! 
  • July 11th (Thursday) – Early this month we see Saturn, then Neptune appear retrograde in water sign Pisces. Around the 11th, Venus will find harmony with Neptune (retrograde), heightening our appreciation for any dreams or visions we’ve been guided towards. As it’s Cancer Season we’ve a chance to focus on home and family values, too. Take space to revisit and reimagine a spiritual practice or interest that’s now being formalised. Elevate your receptivity, as soon after Mars will meet Uranus in a dynamic fashion (15th), and as planets shift into Leo so too does our focus.
  • August – The most tense month of the year. Planets in Gemini clash with those in Pisces and Virgo, and Mercury appears retrograde. Also, planets in Leo clash with those in Taurus. Look out for the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th/20th…
  • September – Pluto re-enters Capricorn (and is retrograde), Uranus appears retrograde in Taurus, then we have a Virgo New Moon. Therefore, the month begins with an incredibly earthy tone. Mars soon enters Cancer for a long stint, as this planet will retrograde come December. Not an easy month as Venus connects to the South Node in Libra (and Pluto), as does the Sun (in its Fall) at the end of the month.
  • October 17th (Thursday) – The Aries Super Moon is supercharged! With Mars in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn, and the Sun in Libra spelling tension in the Cardinal corners, issues are only exacerbated. One to navigate carefully…
  • November 19th/20th – Pluto into Aquarius for the final time! As an air sign, Aquarius is social and intellectual. This shift could remind us of the importance of networks, communities and friends. Fears around losing connection or privacy in online spaces may be heralded.
  • DecemberMercury Retrograde in Sagittarius | Mars Retrograde in Leo!

Neptune In Pisces (all year)…

Neptune spends the entirety of 2024 in Pisces, where it’s been bobbing along since 2011, though officially since 2012. The Misty Blue planet gets incredibly close to the end of this sign, at 29°55’ but appearing retrograde and seeing out the remainder of the year in this water sign.

During its time in Pisces, we’ve seen cannabis legalised, CBD popularised and fentanyl or opioids become an epidemic. We’ve embraced streaming services and AI, blurring the lines of what’s real and what’s fake on social media. Our screens have flooded us with images and photography,

There are a couple of moments when this dreamy influence is strong.

Uranus In Taurus (all year)…

The rebel and innovator of our skies, Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018. As Jupiter is headed for a meet-up with this planet we must take advantage! This only happens once every 14 years, so look for big opportunities in food, fashion and finance.

Taurus rules agriculture, property, money markets and banking, consumption and consumerism, how we acquire, build and develop. This is also the sign of senses and sensuality, so beauty, music, art and luxury are strong areas too! Make cash through second-hand sales of premium goods, or go against the grain with eating habits. A piece of land could be primed for an unconventional home!

Get More From Your 2024 Horoscope!

Book in for a reading for the year ahead, to discover how these celestial alignments affect you personally…

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