Cancer Estée Lauder Birth Chart & Astrology
Estée Lauder had an incredible signature in Cancer!
Born July 1st, 1906, the Sun-Neptune conjunction really stands out, with Mars closely co-present, too!
Another really interesting point for the beauty entrepreneur is Venus closely conjunct the North Node in Leo!
A Sun-Uranus opposition (and Uranus neatly sextile the Moon) adds another interesting dynamic, and we can see a grand water trine with Saturn.
See the stars with enviable style, the top fashion icons born under Scorpio!
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The pop princess has given two further times to the one that's been used on!
- Sun in Cancer (8º55′)
- Neptune in Cancer (10º04′)
- Mars in Cancer (13º09′)
- Moon in Scorpio
- Mercury in Leo
- North Node in Leo
- Venus in Leo…
“First comes the shy wish. Then you must have the heart to have the dream. Then, you work, and work.”
Estée Lauder
Estée Lauder Birth Chart
Born Sunday, July 1, 1906 In New-York, New York, via AstroTheme…