Mercury In Leo Celebrities And Style…

Mercury in astrology represents communication, thinking, and learning.

Leo is a fire sign associated with creativity, self-expression, and leadership.

When someone has Mercury in Leo in their natal chart, it means at the time of their birth, planet Mercury was located in Leo.

Natural Performers, Creatives & Storytellers…

People born when Mercury was in the constellation of Leo will speak from the heart with warm enthusiasm.

Communication can be theatrical!

These are creative, passionate and dramatic speakers who like the limelight.

Having a Leo Mercury can indicate a person with a strong need for self-expression and a love of drama and attention.

They may be skilled at using language to captivate and inspire others, they may have a natural talent for public speaking or performance.

Note a strong creative streak and may be drawn to artistic or expressive pursuits.

People with Mercury in Leo tend to be very confident and enthusiastic communicators.

Their charisma commands attention and they may also be very proud of their ideas.

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They make for the ideal storyteller.

Give Their Words Attention!

Mercury in Leo types require a certain amount of recognition. Loud and magnanimous, they’re not afraid to roar their message! 

They are big picture people rather than concerned with small details… Loyalty is shown in the way this lot communicate – not the type to gossip behind friends backs. 

On the negative side, people with Mercury in Leo may be resistant to criticism or feedback.

Sometimes they struggle with being overly dramatic or attention-seeking.

They may have a tendency to exaggerate or embellish stories.

Rather than conveying accurate information they may want to impress others.

They might seem somewhat proud or boastful, and, as Leo is a fixed sign, could also be prone to stubbornness. Inflexible in their thinking, it can be difficult for them to consider alternative viewpoints.

Celebrities with Mercury in Leo…

Because Mercury travels with the Sun, there are only three possible Sun signs for those with Mercury in Leo, Cancer through to Virgo.

See which celebrities share your Sun and Mercury sign…

cara   brit   lindsay-lohan   jen-lop   Sandra-Bullock   kate-o-mara   jk  cameron-diaz   zoe   florence-welch  Anna Paquin  kelis  virgo-shirley-manson  leo-amy-adams  charlize-theron-astrology  geri-harlliwell-leo leo elisabeth moss  halle-berry-leo  Julie-Newmar-Leo  leo-karlie-kloss

Cara DelevingneBrit Marling ☆ Lindsay Lohan ☆ Courtney Love ☆ Jennifer Saunders ☆ Jennifer LopezSandra Bullock ☆ Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis ☆ Halle Berry ☆ Charlize Theron ☆ Selena Gomez ☆ Geri Halliwell ☆ Gillian Anderson ☆ Cameron Diaz ☆ Florence Welch ☆ J. K Rowling ☆ Charlotte Gainsborough ☆ Elisabeth Moss ☆ Lisa Kudrow ☆ Shirley Manson ☆ Helen Mirren ☆ Rosanna Aquette ☆ Anjelica Houston ☆ Kimberly Stewart ☆ Kate O’Mara ☆ Geri Halliwell ☆ Karlie Kloss ☆

mercuryRead more about Mercury and see the other styles of the zodiac signs, here.

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