The Capricorn Colour – She’s A Beauty In Black…

Discover the Capricorn colour and what it symbolises…

Black, dark brown and charcoal grey are quintessentially Capricorn.

You might say that the choice to shroud yourself in a dark noir belongs to this sign. Whether you’re making a fashion or beauty decision, know that the mountain goat owns black!

The shade of winter and long nights, the world turns dark during the Sun’s tour of this sign. The evenings draw in, animals hunker down to hibernate; tree branches grow bare and barren.

Metaphorically, this time of year represents death and severity. We all know it can be a long cold winter to endure before new shoots of spring burst forth.

Perhaps that’s why our Capricorn sisters look so striking in starker colours – the sentiment of this sign is seriousness and formality. They know the realities of life and the quality of time.

Other favourable hues for Capricorn fashion styles are deep moss green or olive, inky French navy, and this crew can also carry a clean white better than most.

The truth is, black can look awful on a lot of skin tones.

Many of us will look washed out wearing these draining hues. Not so Capricorn, who usually carries this colour with flair.

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Capricorn Colour: So Symbolic…

As the colour of the grim reaper we traditionally associate black with funerals, death and it signifies finality and even infertility in some cultures.

Avoid if you’re in need of uplifting energy, lighthearted cheer or, if you want to be silly. This is a serious colour for when you’re in work-mode.

Black symbolises power and commands authority. It is a colour for laying down the law and offering protection.

We see this exemplified today as policemen and security guards don black, and judges, barristers, vicars and rabbis and Batman all have their sombre uniform.

So, wear black to assert yourself at work, or feel free to perform crowd control at a party if you’re in a LBD… Let me know your thoughts on Instagram!

colour-astrologySee the winning colours for each zodiac sign and read

Colour In Astrology, The Best Shades For The Star Signs…

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