Pick The Perfect Bunch: Flowers For Leo…

The Perfect Bouquet To Bring Joy To This Fire Sign’s Sanctuary!

The best flowers for Leo are Sunflowers!

When the Sun is in Leo, you’ll want to pick the perfect bouquet to reflect this warm, generous, magnanimous sign.

The fifth sign of the Zodiac, Leo is creative and dramatic, with a flair for bringing joy to every space, and flowers for Leo Season should reflect this talent for exuberance!

If you’re thinking of gifting a bouquet to a Leo, or if you want to add a Leo-approved bouquet to your home, delivery service Bloom & Wild has you covered.

Here are the flowers most suited to match a Leo’s energy…

Colour is so important when choosing a theme for tied flowers.

Ruled by the Sun in astrology, Leo’s colours are gold, yellow, and orange.

Pick an arrangement that includes some orange-red and some cheerful yellows, too!

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The more fiery tones symbolise Leo’s courage, loyalty and their passionate nature, while bold yellow flowers bring a smile to your lips as they communicate joy and friendship.

There is no better way to make Leo smile than with sunflowers – both species are deeply affected by the sun, turning their open faces towards its bright rays!

Turn Around Flower Child!

With a love for drama and at times an intense craving for attention, Leo can be full of personality, larger than life, bold and vibrant people.

They don’t do anything by halves, and can be vibrant, so the bigger the bouquet, the better.

Leo’s innate leadership abilities and popularity mean they’re often surrounded by friends. However, being around people can be tiring for anyone, so their house is a space where they gain semblance and privacy.

Flowers are vital for creating a welcoming and relaxing environment, welcoming us home…

British flower delivery service Bloom & Wild have been delivering flowers across the UK for over 6 years.

As the inventors of ‘letterbox flowers’, they’re known for sending and receiving flowers across the England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, France and Germany, making it easier – and more delightful – to gift a bouquet than ever before!

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