Zodiac Interiors – Gemini Style At Home…

Easy breezy Gemini, lets take a look at the Twin's place to gather...

What’s Gemini style at home? Scroll to see more…

Gemini Style At Home…

If you’re a Gemini, if you were born with the Moon in Gemini, or if you’re Gemini Rising, this is for you!

Here let’s look at the important style signatures in the home of the Twins. Typical tropes are that your sign needs a bookshelf full of interesting reads. Duplicitous Gemini might have an array of informative devices, with nooks that hold their hobbies and interests close. Think of a Kindle, electronics, iPads or computers!

With the Moon in Gemini you might have two homes, cross continent or in two neighbourhoods. A foot in two camps is just like you!

A writing desk, a place for keys, pencils and coins is important.

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The busy Gemini needs touch points that are easy to lay hands on.

Fresh air is important, so have open windows. Or you might like to have an air purifier in the home to enjoy a well-ventilated atmosphere. Hang light curtains that gently flap in the breeze.

A stifling atmosphere or room will make Gemini feel staid and even trapped.

Plants that create oxygen will help this sign, and generally bright spaces will enhance their experience of a space.

Social creatures, the Zodiac’s butterfly will love space for entertaining. A patio, terrace or open kitchen is ideal, somewhere to throw a gathering that’s not at all stuffy.

Friendly neighbours are also an asset for Gemini, or they’ll like living in a town which makes popping out for a natter easy and accessible. 

Yellow is a lucky colour for Gemini, so add touches of this hue in rooms…

  • Room in the house: Study, computer room
  • Style of fittings and fixtures: Busy yet clean,
  • Signature colors: Yellow, bright white, fresh green.

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