Imbolc Rituals – Spring Clean During Aquarius Season!

Spring Is Coming! 5 Imbolc Rituals – Aquarius Season, Bridgid & More...

Start Anew With Enthusiasm!

The midpoint between Winter Solstice Equinox and the Spring Equinox, during the middle of Aquarius Season we have ‘Imbolc’, a.k.a. Imbolg or Saint Brigid’s Day.

Imbolc Rituals – held around February 1st

This is the moment marking the beginning of the year…

Read about the astrological significance of Imbolc, here.

Inspiration for the rituals of Imbolc can come from Goddess Brigit, Brigid or Bríg, and also arrive from the traditional rites of passage from old

We can also note that in many parts of the world Candlemas is celebrated, a festival of lights. In pre-Christian times this days was know as the ‘Feast of Lights’ and celebrated the increasing strength of the sun as winter yielded to spring.

Goddess Brigid…

Brigid feels very Aquarian to me. She’s the goddess of all things perceived to be of relatively high dimension: high-rising flames, highlands and hill-forts, and activities and states conceived as psychologically lofty and elevated.

Wisdom, excellence, perfection, high intelligence, poetic eloquence, craftsmanship (especially blacksmithing), healing ability, druidic knowledge and skill in warfare are associated with Brigid.

Brigid, the goddess whom poets adored…

Imbolc reflects nature – the sun returning to the world as winter’s hold diminishes… Brigid is a goddess connected to the dawn, a goddess of healing and wisdom, of craft and trades. 

Imbolc Rituals…

5 Ways To Bring You Into Alignment With The Season…

Here are my top tips, suggestions for Imbolc beauty rituals…

1. Spring Clean & Put Snowdrops In A Vase!

Historically, a customary part of Imbolc was to Spring Clean.

Therefore use this moment of the year to do a deep de-clutter, purify, refresh, and set the tone for spring and the year ahead.

The very first flowers of spring, snowdrops are a gorgeous addition to your shelf.

Start as you mean to go on, making your own recipes and cleaning solutions, which is not only an organic way to clean but cheaper, too. 

Send any precious garments to the dry cleaners for a refresh, which is also an opportune moment to detox your closet.

2. Make Restitution – And Wash Away The Dirt…

Don’t Be Too Cold To Hold…

A happy face is a beautiful face, and being right with the world lets us rest easy – reduce those frown lines naturally! Though no judgement if you want a little help!

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Tip, make those amends… Do you owe anyone an apology? Let it die with the cold heart of winter, and ready yourself for a fresh start at spring… and wash away the debris of the past with a cleaning salt bath!

It’s a luxury to be blessed with a tub but if you don’t have a bath – only a shower – you can improvise with salt scrub and your imagination.

As the water runs over your head visualize the powerful cleansing properties of water, in body, mind, soul and spirit…

Don’t forget to dry brush! Remember this is Aquarius Season, a time governed traditionally by Saturn, guardian of the skin…

3. Use A Sacred Cross & Hang Brigid’s Cross Or A Corn Doll!

A beautiful sacred symbol at this time of year is the cross of Goddess Brigid.

Crafted by the Celts and hung above windows or entrances as a way to invite the Goddess into their homes during spring.

Brigid was considered the keeper of the flame of life, and the cross represents kindling used to keep the home fires burning. It’s also a talisman of protection.

4. Imbolc Rituals – Open The Windows…

Let any staid thoughts be blown away during the time of Air Sign Aquarius’ reign…

5. Light A Sacred Ceremonial Fire Or Special Candle…

As one of the cross quarter days, Imbolc is one of the fire festivals. Therefore purification by fire is a great tool to be honoured now.

What’s more, the affiliation with Candlemas – and the Feast of Lights – make for a wonderful excuse to procure a new candle!

Candlemas is a Christian festival held at this time, commemorating the Virgin Mary’s trip to a Temple in Jerusalem.

There she would be purified 40 days, and in remembrance, practicing Christians will have their candles blessed for the year during a service of worship.

Cinnamon is a particularly effective scent for Aquarius!

Try to find a candle with the scent of cinnamon, or burn some in your cauldron. 

We might like to burn our candle to honor Brigid, and the Eternal Flame… 

Saint Brigid may well remind you of the Roman Goddess and asteroid Vesta, the Goddess of the Hearth – the hearth’s flame personified. She protected the home and family unit, and tended to the fire.

Brigid, as well as other figures – Belisama and Sul – are associated with feminine craft, domesticity and the cult of fire. But they are actually different goddesses – read more here!

See all the seasonal celebrations in the wheel of the year

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