Moon In The Second House…

Discover the style and celebrities born with the Moon in the second house!

The Moon in astrology represents sensitivity, our instincts, and the way we deal with moods and emotional matters.

From family to our daily fluctuations, the Moon in our horoscope can touch on ways of processing our feelings.

Born with a second house Moon, you may be generous with what you have, yet changeable in your spending habits.

Your emotions and a sense of nostalgia may be centred in items passed to you.

You may be sentimental about certain clothes or trinkets. 

There may be a connection between your mood and finances, so that buying things makes you feel happy. Be mindful as there may be a tendency towards hoarding!

Collecting valuables, over-spending or even becoming a shopaholic could hold true, or holding onto money to feel secure.

Possessions and your belongings may make you feel safe, having a stocked pantry.

Full cupboards and lots of things could spell security to you.

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The ability to earn a living may bring great comfort, too. Damage to your earnings and security may be the biggest threat.

The Moon represents trends and you may have a knack for buying things that increase in value or hold their worth. 

You might need to work on how you find a sense of value, purpose and self worth, not getting too swayed by others.

Celebrities Born With The Moon In The Second House…

Beyoncé Knowles

Brad Pitt

Sophia Loren

Nicole Kidman

Julia Roberts

Drew Barrymore

Jaden Smith

Richard Branson

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