Where To Travel? Aries Cities And Countries…
Decisions, Decisions – Let The Stars Be Your Guide On Vacation!
Which cities and countries are ruled by the zodiac sign Aries?
Intrepid, brave and a true daredevil, nothing stands in the way of Aries and adventure.
They will go where angels fear to tread, boldly stepping into dark alleys and new neighbourhoods. Usually, they’re met with friendly faces but should always be careful to use good sense too! Aries can embrace solo travel. Be sure to give your Aries friend lots of helpful travel tips – especially during Mercury Retrograde!
Do take inspiration from this list as an Aries or when travelling in Aries Season! Here, I’ve suggested both cities and countries for this zodiac sign.
Where are you most interested in visiting? Let me know on Instagram!
Hong Kong…
It’s no surprise that Hong Kong is top of my list for Aries!
With its red taxis, bright lights and bold local attitude, you’ll sense its GO GO GO attitude.
The British handover of Hong Kong came July 1st, 1997 at midnight, giving Hong Kong an Aries Rising chart.
It boasts a Cancer Sun-Mercury conjunction in the fourth house – revealing a love of food. But it’s the strong Aries Ascendant that announces this place, with a fast pace, and the vibrant character of this city.
An incredibly unpretentious country, Germany is an Aries ruled place.
Where To Travel? Scorpio Cities And Countries…
Decisions, Decisions – Let The Stars Be Your Guide On Vacation!
Your Full Moon In Aries Horoscope…
The Hunter's Moon Blooms Fully In The Ram's Sign, guided by Mars in Cancer!
With its Aries Moon, and North Node in Aries, Germany is a country well-suited to Aries.
A few things stand out: cars, castles and football – two of which we can categorically say are Mars-ruled (we might say castles too, since they’re designed as a defence property).
The country of premium cars and car culture, Germany is famous for its precision-engineered automobiles and the high-speed autobahn.
Numerous brands and models have a global reputation: Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, Porsche and Volkswagen (VW).
Their engineering prowess has fed into a national love of motorsports, with hero figure Michael Schumacher, who despite being a Capricorn (born on a Full Moon in Cancer) has the north node and Saturn (the ruler of his Sun) in Aries.
Fußball, football or soccer is Germany’s number one sport, perhaps because Germans are so good at it, accumulating 4 World Cups and 3 European Championship wins.
Visit the Black Forest in the south-west, interspersed with castles, and medieval villages…
Using the 24th May, 1949 midnight chart, we see it also has Sun, Venus, Mercury and Uranus in Gemini, so the Aries person should bring their Gemini friend to Germany too!
The horoscope of modern Egypt has a 29º18′ Aries Ascendant, with Venus rising in Taurus, so that we see much of this hot, dry county’s beauty.
The proclamation of the Republic was at 11.30 pm GMT on 18th June, 1953 in Cairo.
Although you can not visit, it is interesting to note that Syria has an Aries Midheaven, and Mars in Aries in the tenth house – the horoscope of Syria has a strong Aries signature.
Established September 16th, 1941 at 12.01 am, Syria has a Cancer ascendant. You’ll find the Moon right on the ascendant, plus Virgo Sun, conjunct the North Node (plus Neptune) in the third house. Venus at 0º Scorpio.