Your New Moon In Aries Rituals…

Through The Fire: Renew intentions at the beginning end of Aries Season with this intense lunation!

Write Down Or Clearly Affirm What You Hope To Bring About Or Manifest…

It’s Aries Season and so the New Moon naturally resets the dial in Aries.

The Moon aligns with the Sun at the same degree for a hot minute! However, we can enjoy the window that is the New Moon phase.

Read your horoscope here, and use the stars on this day of still, dark and quiet

As a rule of thumb, New Moon’s are times to:

  • Set intentions, plants seeds, plan and go within,
  • Be still, grateful for what already exists,
  • Silently use your intuition to glean what more might occur,
  • Let go of expectations, release, surrender and exhale…

Here are my top 5 tips for the Aries New Moon…

1. Do What You Wanna Do!

“There’s a line in the picture where he (Johnny – The Wild One) snarls, ‘Nobody tells me what to do.’ That’s exactly how I’ve felt all my life.”

Marlon Brando, Sun, Moon, Mercury in Aries…

Sagittarius Rising with Jupiter in his first house!

Marlon Brando is a prime example of Aries’ assertive, headstrong nature. 

Born on a New Moon in Aries with Mercury co-present in the sign, he’s carries the sentiments of this moment well.

Aries energy is brave, bold, risk adverse, and courageously heads out in its own direction. They’re known to be a little selfish, and all about number one!

“An actor’s a guy who, if you ain’t talking about him, ain’t listening.”

Marlon Brando

A cinematic ritual for the New Moon in Aries is to watch a Streetcar Named Desire and warm your heart with a bit of Brando!

Or listen to Celine…

“It’s the moment you think you can’t that you realise you can.”

Celine Dion, Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Midheaven and the North Node in Aries…

Celine’s power ballads can help you feel empowered.

Note Rihanna is an Aries Moon, too, with Venus and Jupiter in this sign, and possibly Aries Rising!

Claim Your Power…

Aries Tarot Card: The Emperor

The Tarot card for Aries is the Emperor, and we can channel the energy of this card during Aries Season – especially on the New Moon!

A fatherly, masculine image, the Emperor is a provider and protector, an authority figure and leader.

With these qualities come respect, power and status (also control, dominance, and a strong rule).

Reach for your goals, capable, confident, demanding recognition – and don’t let others put you down…

  • lay claim to your knowledge, expertise, influence, wisdom and experience
  • protect and defend, provide and be a breadwinner or
  • wear red, the colour of passion and energy: show a lust for life like the Emperor (with a suit of armour, too)!

Ask yourself…

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Come Out Of Hiding To Glow In The Moonlight!

  • Where do I need to be bossy and direct others more?
  • Where must I face conflict? Head into battle and have the final word?
  • Where should I be tough? Non-negotiable?
  • Where can I offer guidance, advice and lead others?

2. Focus On The Head, Detox, Relax…

First sign of the Zodiac, the Aries body part is the head, and face.

Indulge in a heavenly head massage to relive any tension this New Moon: have a heavenly head massage, eradicate your fears…

Use soothing essential oils that calm the nerves.

Rosemary is recommended for hot-headed Aries, while peppermint relieves stress and targets headache relief.

The New Moon is a time to draw inward, and invites you to surrender and let go before stepping into your action pants.

Aries is a true super heroine energy, a passionate fighting spirit but as the moon is dark and still you’ll need a generous pause.

3. Plan To Take Action & Embrace A New Beginning…

Anya Taylor-Joy, Sun & Moon in Aries…

Take a pause, have a break, and set intentions, remembering New Moon’s are fortuitous times for fresh starts.

The new moon in Aries is a particularly potent new beginning, as this is the first sign of the zodiac and one instilled with hope, fresh energy and invigoration!

“I never thought I would say this, but I’m desperate to do an action film.”

Lily James, Sun and Venus 15º Aries, plus Moon and Mercury in Aries…

Wait to take action on your dreams as the moon grows in the skies in her waxing phase – 3-4 days after the new moon moment.

4. Light A Fire In Your Heart And Wish Upon The New Moon…

Although I’d never advocate being careless and playing with fire, there is something to be said about the magic of a hot flame, which carries extra potency during Aries Season.

Use a candle to light the fire in you at New Moon, and the color red, bringing intention, resolve, warmth and power to all you’re manifesting.

This is a visionary time, so ignite your inner wilfulness.

Show the world or the Universe that you’re motivated, inspired and energised!

Writing down your intentions is a proven way to enhance their potency…

5. Counting Sheep: Get Enough Rest, Indulge In Beauty Sleep… 

It’s not just the Full Moon that disturbs our sleep pattern.

The new moon has the potential to knock us off our feet so get an early night and your beauty sleep!

Celebrities Born On A New Moon In Aries…

Zoe Sugg, Anya Taylor-Joy, Lily James, Céline Dion, Lucy Lawless, Kiki Sukezane, Brigitte Macron, Leighton Meester, Rooney Mara, Alyson Hannigan, Danica Patrick, Marlon Brando and Rachel Homan…

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