Super Sagittarius Alyssa…
So Much Sagittarius! But A Curious Gemini Moon For Alyssa Milano…
Alyssa’s Star Sign Style!
Your New Moon In Sagittarius Rituals…
Gaze Upon The Path Ahead: Ways to honour Luna, as she renews in the Archer's sign...
See the stars with enviable style, the top fashion icons born under Scorpio!
Selena Gomez Birth Chart – This Cancer Is Really Very Leo…
Leo Rising, Plus Venus and Mercury in the Lion's Sign, and an Aries Moon!
☆ Sun In Sagittarius ☆ Moon In Gemini ☆ Venus In Sagittarius ☆ Sagittarius Rising ☆
Milano’s Birth Chart
Born 19th December, 1972 At 7.00am In Brooklyn Heights, New York