The World’s Top Scorpio Models…

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Sun In Scorpio, Model Daria Werbowy…

Scorpio models are deeply driven, there’s no doubt that the successful Scops will take their profession super seriously, with a passionate intensity to boot.

For example, the Ukrainian-Canadian model Daria Werbowy holds the record for opening and closing the most runway shows in a fashion season – that’s dedication!

According to those in the know, she pushes herself physically and emotionally – and its paid off! Daria has graced the pages of all the top titles, from Vogue to V magazine.

Scorpio Models Gemma Ward

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The Top Scorpio Models…

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☆ Izabel Goulart 23rd  October 1984 ☆ Gemma Ward 3rd November 1987 ☆ Alexa Chung 5th November 1983 ☆ Jean Shrimpton 7th November 1942 ☆ Lily Aldridge 15th November 1985 ☆ Lauren Hutton 17th November 1943 ☆ Daria Werbowy 19th November 1983 ☆ Lindsay Ellingson 19th November 1984 ☆

modelsGo back to Model Behaviour to see more model’s zodiac signs…

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