My Top 5 Things To Do During Gemini Season!

There's a reason for each and every season, but what to during the reign of the Twins?

Discover my Top 5 Things To Do During Gemini Season, with cosmic inspiration!

General events every Gemini Season include:

  • The Gemini New Moon
  • The Sagittarius Full Moon
  • Midsummer’s Eve – the evening or night before summer solstice, the last day of Gemini Season
  • Gemini Birthdays! Celebrate your friends, the Twins.

What to do during this month, when the Sun moves through Gemini…

1. Pick Up [Communication] Skills…

One of the simplest and most Gemini things you can do is to head into your local area, buy an informative newspaper (preferably with a bit of a gossip column or crossword), meet up with a couple of friends – 3 is the magic number! – and have something light to eat. 

Gemini is the sign of duality, dexterity, language and thought, with the back and forth of cerebral skill, intellect and interaction posessed by ‘the Twins’.

Libraries are intrinsicly associated with Gemini (so check out a few books to read simultaneously!), and also pick up the phone, reaching out, making contact; connecting to siblings, close peers, coworkers and those in your immediate vicinity – neighbours and kindred spirits!

While Sagittarius governs ‘higher education’, Gemini is all about the communication skills developed as a means to partake in conversation.

Think: language, social media nuances, and figuring out how to get from A-to-B – driving, map reading, and navigational aptitude!

Head to the park with someone who’s a bright breath of fresh air! Make your way with thoughtful curiosity!

Buy some stamps and remeber the postman is your friend!

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Gemini Season is the ideal time to brush up on all manner of subjects, or hop on a tram car to get to a fresh destination – the comic book store or center for learning!

Do a brainteaser and stimulate that gray matter…

2. Step Out & Explore More…

Head out into your city or district with a friend and come across things that stimulate your mind… Break with monotony and routine, your usual habits and be flighty, and if someone invites you to lemonade say “yes!”

How about challenging yourself to discover Gemini things in your city?

Tower Bridge opened 30th June, 1894, when the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto were all in Gemini the Twins!

A true symbol of this sign…

3. Gemini Season? Go For Glitter…

Sparkle and shine are magic for the magpie twins, so add glitter to your dress!

4. Ride A Bike! Or Play Ping Pong….

Bicycles are quintisentially Gemini, but there are more fun activities to partake in, too: try a game of cards, chess, use your arms for tennis, ping-pong. Hand-eye co-ordination is natural to this witty, dextrous sign and mental agility is their forte, so make like a Twin while the Sun shines…

5. Go To A Butterfly Garden…

What are your choice activities for Gemini Season? Let me know on social channels! Instagram or Facebook!

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