For Sparky Gemini, Bright White Lifts The Spirits!

One of the best colors for the zodiac signs Gemini is a bright, glittering white – dazzling and fresh!

Her Cancerian sisters wear white beautifully too, but theirs is a softer, more caressing tone of white.

The colors of mother moon their white is yin and gentle. Read Cancer Colors, By The Light Of The Silvery Moon

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An air sign, theirs is a uplifting (rather than surrendering) shade.

Advice for Gemini?

Dazzle in your lucky colour white – you’ll bring optimism and a breath of fresh air into others day and brighten up their lives with your spark!

colour-astrologySee the winning colours for each zodiac sign, read Colour In Astrology, The Best Shades For The Star Signs…

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