Azalea Astrology…


Sensual Taurus Is At Home With Sagittarius…

Iggy’s Star Sign Style!

☆ Sun In Gemini ☆ Moon In Sagittarius ☆ Venus In Taurus ☆

There is some debate as to whether Iggy is a moon in Scorpio or moon in Sagittarius – it can be a tricky one to decipher as the moon expresses our internal mood, and the moon changes sign every couple of days – so not totally unexpected to have the moon on the ‘cusp’ of two signs.

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My vote is for Sagittarius, as she’s seen in bright colourful clothes a lot, she has that gorgeous long look about her – classically Sagittarius (long legs, long face). I can’t see that a Scorpio moon would wear her bold fashions!

What do you think? Feedback on Facebook or via twitter – @starsignstyle x

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