A Forecast For Fright Night! Read Your Halloween Horoscope…

How to celebrate on this All Hallow's Eve, according to your zodiac sign...

Are treats in store this All Hallows Eve? Find out in forecast – scroll down to see…

This Halloween (October 31st, 2023) occurs on a Tuesday, and while it’s Scorpio Season, the Moon will be in Gemini.

Halloween is the spookiest night of the year, when the veil is thin and ghosts [or those with us in spirit] engage, passing among mere mortals.

A time to honour and remember those long gone, All Hallows Eve encourages us to appease our ancestors.

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Here’s Your Halloween Horoscope 2023…


Scorpio Season spotlights your ability to merge and unify with others, and with your ruler Mars teamed with Mercury, it could now seem a time to go deep, probing your thoughts on your own legacy. Find ways to develop a strong bond with others; commit yourself, with a way to benefit from those you encounter. Make a pledge of your time, energy and resources and find you can come off well. Be sure to show awareness of what others give that benefits you, ideally with no tricks and plenty of treats received today!


The magnetic, seductive Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Mars assemble in your house of partners, shining a light on others and bringing the potential to work together. Find a collaborator needs something from you, and that you’re able to connect to what they’re saying, and fulfil your role. Delight in all you might do together, noticing the key people that show up and what they expect from you. Your creativity, playful spirit and joie de vivre is amplified, so be sure to have a good time this Halloween… Buddy up, yet find you’ve plenty of flair and an artistic touch.


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Scorpio Season spotlights your ability to do your duty, with a focus on habits, routines, rituals and practices that make up your everyday. Go deep into the practicalities of life: admin, maintenance and regimes that make sense. Dig into your employment, probing your diet, exercise and general systems – ways of working that hold strong! With the Moon passing through your own sign today, your look, body, presence or physicality may be extra important. Be mindful of typical sensitivities you have, leaning into a process that’s good for your lifestyle, job or capacity to delegate.


The magnetic, seductive Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Mars gather in your house of self-expression, sexuality, kids, playfulness and romance. Lend your focus to games, entertainment, the arts and put heart into plans this Halloween! Spotlight your ability to be creative, lighting up pleasure, conception, enjoyment and what makes you happy. With the Moon in your elusive sector of healing-and-intuition you might crave space to dream or could find a pocket of solitude suits you best. A vacation from life could prove just what you need, so indulge your fantasies, and a mystery that’s fun!

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Scorpio Season spotlights your private life, and all that’s hidden from view – literally sacred spaces, or in the depths of your psyche. Probe what’s buried in the past, nest or settle in still moments, welcoming time with family, acknowledging the most rooted parts of yourself. As the Moon moves through a social corner of the skies, community may feature for you this Halloween. Be aware of a common goal, and your tendency to give to the people around you. Dole out candy to the neighbourhood, yet know when to turn inwards, to a home or domestic setting away from others.


The Sun, Mercury and Mars invite you to lean towards close kindred spirits and your neighbours, now assembled in your sector of communication and connection. Those in your immediate environment may stand out, so elevate conversations, sacred ties and deep probing discourse. Yet professional or personal goals may be important to. Your reputation, aims and ambitions at large may be pertinent, as the Moon touches the highest house of your chart. An accomplishment or reason to be noticed may present itself, so claim the tiara, title or badge of honour you need. Validation or praise could be yours this Halloween!


Scorpio Season spotlights your resources, monetary gains and assets, so you might be depending on yourself and what you do, rather than expecting a partner to deliver the goods. Focus on what’s in hand, what you have going for you, and affirm what you do to get by. Notions of security and sustenance could be foremost, yet with the Moon in your zone of education, foreign perspectives, projects and publishing, you may find yourself connecting to those further afield this Halloween. Explore your beliefs and another philosophy, going out of your way to understand a perspective that’s not your own.


The Sun, Mercury and Mars gather in your sign and your first house, Scorpio, bringing the spotlight to you and your physical presence or identity. Personal plans may be top billing, so think about your own priorities and what’s most important to you. The Moon touches down in your intimacy zone, helping you broach your fears, anxieties, attachments or investments. A commitment may be apparent, with a way to show up for others, or deepen your understanding of a relationship. Affirm your presence and personality, able to see where you’re vulnerable.


Scorpio Season spotlights your ability to retreat and heal, to develop or work hidden from view. Pull back, waiting and watching to see what’s next, gestating, silently observing and taking space to dream or fantasize. Use your imagination, prepping offline, behind the scenes. Lean into the secret side of yourself, probing a mystery or finding acceptance. As the Moon moves through your house of partnership, teamwork may be important today too. Find yourself able to meet up with someone significant, despite finding a sense of respite. Switch off with a romantic liaison or platonic union featuring this Halloween.


The Sun, Mercury and Mars assemble in your house of friends, peers, community and teamwork, shining a light on a group initiative or get together. Halloween could invite you toward social activity, a ‘scene’ or likeminded mates. Come together with allies or acquaintances, make your way toward your circle or network. With the Moon in your work, health and wellness sector, connect to your overall wellbeing. A diet, fitness ritual, tasks or your everyday employment may be important to consider and maintain, as you step up to be a part of something bigger than yourself.


Scorpio Season spotlights your ability to step up and into prominence, leading or meeting your goals. Show the world your strengths and find a path of advancement or visibility, as you can be seen this Halloween. You’ll likely stand out as an authority or prominent figure. Yet, with the Moon in your sector of fun, creativity, sexuality and recreational pursuits, you could be in the mood to have a good time, playful and artistic. Put your heart into plans, sensing your overarching reputation and direction is elevated. Go to a party or say yes to a date, and express yourself!


The magnetic, seductive Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Mars gather in your house of adventure, education and faith, suggesting you can lend your focus to visionary plans, projects and truth-seeking. Set your sights further afield, travelling long distance, or talking to people who are different, from a cultural background that’s not your own. Trick or treat beyond your area code, exploring and discovering another way of life. With the Moon in your home zone, you might be at ease welcoming others to your abode, touching on your surroundings, family life or even cooking or nurturing others.

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