Zodiac Blends, Astrological Flower Essences From Ines Heals…


I just discovered Ines Radjenović via her Instagram (@ines.heals) and I love, love love the look of her astrologically inspired flower blends – and of course,

I had to share…

Ines is an Esoteric Astrologer, author, Reiki practitioner, Flower Essences Therapy Practitioner and Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant based in Montreal. Her healing practice focuses on developing of profound self-knowledge, to empower transformation on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. The change her work inspires helps the individual to move forward in alignment with her divine purpose, and authentic life path. Ines had great success selecting and creating personalised Flower Essence Blends for clients–specifically based on their astrological birth chart or natal chart–and launched the first line of Zodiac blends with gorgeous results!

Zodiac Blends – Astrological Flower Essences

The Zodiac Blends, 30 ml, $25.00 Canadian Dollars.

Ines says: “The energetic language of astrology marries so nicely with the emotional qualities of the Flower Essences in a way that made it only natural for me to begin fusing the two.” The blends have been  created to address imbalances likely to be present in each sign, treating specific struggles commonly experienced by those born under that sign.

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For example Gemini brings focus and clarity, and provides stability and decisiveness to the inner landscape of thought. Capricorn balances the emotional tendency towards fearfulness, intolerance, rigidity, and the desire to control others. It works to silence an overly harsh internal critic.

Each blend is handmade fresh by order and infused with Reiki energy before being shipped to its destination.

What Are Flower Essences?

Flower Essence Therapy is a form of vibrational healing that works under the notion that flowers are nature’s expression of emotion. By being able to read the signature of a flower, (its colour, shape, size, growth pattern, etc.) we can deduce what emotion it is expressing, and therefore what emotion it will balance in the human energy field. Flower Essences heighten the awareness and notion that the physical body is intimately interwoven and connected with our emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being.

The blends are meant to be worked with as an introduction to Flower Essence Therapy, or for those who want to deepen their healing journeys with a gentle yet powerful ally. They bring lasting change to our emotional landscape, and restore our connection to self and inner calm. Ines says…

“What brings me the most satisfaction in my practice is watching my clients release emotional pain that has been holding them back from the experience of true joy and celebration of self in their lives.

Photographs courtesy of Liana Carbone…

“I wanted to extend this potential to as many people as possible through my line of Flower Essence Blends, and intend to continue expanding my product line to treat an even wider range of emotional needs.”

Visit inesheals.com for more information and to buy the beautiful blends.

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