Travel Inspiration: Leo Cities And Countries…

Discover the best places to head to on holiday as a Leo!

Which cities and countries are ruled by the zodiac sign Leo?


India was founded August 15th, 1947, gaining independence from the United Kingdom.

Not only does this vast country have a golden temple, the colours of Leo are incredibly significant and symbolic across its peoples religions. Saffron, bright orange and reds are seen and used frequently in ceremony.


Not only is Italy an utterly Leo place but Rome is, too!

Looking at the chart from 1945, Mars is conjunct the Leo Midheaven, with Pluto co-present in the sign too. The impression that Italy gives off is incredibly Leo, with its sunny beaches on the coast, destinations frequented by Hollywood celebrities, and ornate palaces and churches to visit.

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Lemons and blood oranges reflect the Sun, with slices in the orange drink, Aperol Spritz!


The lion head symbol was introduced in 1986 as an alternative national symbol of Singapore.

The lion head was chosen as a nice logo, as it best captures the characteristics of Singapore’s reputation as a Lion City. It is used in less formal occasions mainly to promote Singapore’s national identity.

More Countries Ruled By Leo

Afghanistan, Macedonia, Romania, Sicily, Ecuador, Zanzibar, Bhutan, Bolivia, Central African Republic Chad, The Ivory Coast, Gabon, Indonesia, North Korea, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, the Maldives, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Mongolia, Seychelles, Ukraine, and Madagascar.

Cities that are ruled by Leo

Bristol, Bombay, Chicago, Madrid, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Bath.

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