Love By Luna Mystic Mani, Crystal Infused Polish To Suit Your Sign!

A Virgo Dream…


Mystic Mani Crystal Infused Polishes

Check out this gorgeous line of polishes from Love By Luna, an L.A. based beauty brand that’s making waves among cosmic chicks…

Founder Katie Huang has developed a line of 14 shades – one for each zodiac sign plus a new moon blend, and a full moon polish.

Not only can you reflect your astrological sign through color, Katie has chosen a different crystal for each shade. Gems are micronized into a fine powder that is blended into the polish itself, allowing the wearer to take the healing energy of crystals with them wherever they go!

The polished retail at $18.00 usd each, and will have you totally starry eyed – with the cosmos at your fingertips…

Zodiac Nail Polishes – Fire Signs

Aries – Red Jasper

Leo – Tigers Eye

Sagittarius – Citrine

Earth Signs

Taurus – Selenite

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Virgo – Amazonite

Capricorn – Garnet

Air Signs

Gemini – Serpentine

Libra – Rose Quartz

Aquarius –Amethyst

Water Signs

Cancer – Moonstone

Scorpio – Obsidian

Pisces –Fluorite

Love By Luna – New Moon & Full Moon

The Full Moon blend is a shimmering opalescent white for illumination and release, containing ametrine, tigers eye and howlite.

The New Moon blend is a solid black for renewal and focus, containing selenite, quartz and moonstone…

We have a very special giveaway coming soon! Stay tuned to win a very special blend for your astrological sign…

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