Max Factor Golden Zodiac Compact…

Why You Should Keep An Eye On eBay And Etsy – Score A Vintage Piece!

I recently bought this Max Factor Golden Zodiac Compact from eBay with no regrets!

I love finding unique items online, and decided to try and build my collection up of retro makeup of the celestial kind. I now have four vintage make-up items, but one has been sent to a friend in France, another with family in the UK (a Helena Rubenstein Peaches And Cream Powder Compact I can’t wait to see), and yet another sent to the US!

For the one shown here, I paid US $41.09.

So, if you’re looking at vintage zodiac trinkets and come across one, I’d highly recommend – or let me know what you’ve found and I might buy it!

The gold compact is also a pendant, and has a locket style design.

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I don’t mind that it’s not new, as I personally love vintage, and in this instance it hasn’t really been touched!

Looking online, I would guess this is from the 1950s.

The packaging really isn’t giving anything away…

The etched brass details show the sun surrounded by all twelve symbols, it is really, really lovely.

You could even wear it on a chain!

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