Horoscope Beauty! Moonplay Cosmetics, PERFECT For Eclipse Season…


If you’re tired of your horoscope but still want to indulge in some celestial magic then look no further than Moonplay Cosmetics!

Especially now that’s it’s Eclipse Season… Scroll down to see the collection of celestial goodies!

I spoke with Jessica Camper, the brand creator about the beautiful packaging.

Jes told me

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“Our lids were inspired by a dream I had while we were deep in our design process.

The lids are opposites, much like a film negative produces a positive image. I believe there is beauty in process, so they’re inspired by photography, filters, layering ideas, the skeletal nature of our moon and brilliance of our sun.

And there you have it! Designed from a dream the night I witnessing an actual lunar eclipse. It was life changing. Watching earth play in the night sky with our moon!

It was a new understanding of beauty. Primal, effortless, new yet ancient.


And the products…

Stroboscope was designed to do the most while using the least amount of product.

I created 2 finishes:

Hyper-Flash: light-reflective.

The shade in this finish is called Vow.

Vow is the perfect peachy-pink with gold, silver and rainbow color.

I’d always make and keep this shade in my personal kit. It’s a universal color, looks amazing on everyone. It’s something I would mix with lip products, blushes even foundation to perfect on the spot- in the moment.

The Hyper-flash finish was created to mimic studio strobe lights. Wrapping the subject instantly with beautiful light, perfecting the image.

The great thing about my hyper-flash finish, we can get that bright sexy-flash, enhance beauty and hide imperfections.


Hyper-Flash-Orb: glowing and light defusing.

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No shimmer, they glow, much like neon lights! And they have Rainbow Reflector Nano-Technology.

What that means, each powder is translucent, with an ultra sheer base. Just enough color to correspond with the color travel capabilities to correct and perfect skin imperfections. It’s high tech beauty created for our mobile age!

A simpler way to explain the functionality of this finish…

Imagine a prism or crystal and how light passes through it creating rainbow reflections… it’s very similar. There are many types of light, including the more popular sunlight used for beauty!

All forms of light appear white because the colors within the light blend together canceling one another out. When white light passes through stroboscope crystal particles the many colors are then bent and refract at different angles. We call this color travel. In essence what you get is beautiful glowing from within skin! Using this finish with a fluffy brush to set your foundation is absolutely groundbreaking!

We can also mix Stroboscope with anything including other powders!

I love these – head to moonplaycosmetics.com and see them in all their glory!

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