New Astro Beauty – Kathleen Lights Zodiac Colourpop Collab!

New pigments for your zodiac sign!

  • Aries – The Ram – hot, fiery, neon pink! Bold and daring…
  • Taurus – The Bull – green…
  • Gemini – The Twins – coppery orange, bright pink…
  • Cancer – The Crab – silver moonlight…
  • Leo – The Lion – gold…
  • Virgo – The Maiden – angelic sparkle, white gold…
  • Libra – The Scales – iridescent pink with baby blue glitter…
  • Scorpio – The Scorpion – reddish, plum…
  • Sagittarius – The Archer – deep, rich purple…
  • Capricorn – The Goat – classic, earthy bronze…
  • Aquarius – The Water Bearer – intense electric blue…
  • Pisces – The Fish – sea foam green…

Kathleen Fuentes aka Kathleen Lights was born January 27th 1992 giving her an Aquarius sun sign.

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The eyeshadow colors Kathleen recommends…

  • Aries – Metallic Orange
  • Taurus – Warm Brown
  • Gemini – Yellow
  • Cancer – Pink Highlight
  • Leo – Gold with Orange Undertone
  • Virgo – Deep Brown
  • Libra – Satin eyeshadow with sheen
  • Scorpio – Burgundy Purple
  • Sagittarius – Deep Purple
  • Capricorn – Deep Matte Black with Gold & Green Sparkle
  • Aquarius – Light Cobalt Blue
  • Pisces – Sea Foam Green


Launch number 2…

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