Zodiac Tins


I’m always stumbling across random astrological curiosities on my journey around the web and I’ve just discovered this beauty!

I personally LOVE the iconic Nivea tin (my mum’s a big time user), however I also adore its astrology make-over!

Sadly this limited edition was a travel retail exclusive for Duty Free stores. Only 75,000 30ml Nivea Cream Zodiac Tin’s were distributed worldwide, sold individually at only €2!

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The tin contains the same legendary Nivea Cream that the world knows and trusts so this would make the perfect product to carry on in hand baggage. For those that don’t use it, Nivea is a multi-purpose cream for all areas of the body including face and hands…

Alas, we’ll appreciate from afar!

The Zodiac Tin collection features colourful depictions of the twelve astrological signs, along with key words associated with each star sign’s personality traits.

Spotted something featuring the star signs? Send your Lunar Beauty suggestions to kimberly@starsignstyle.com.

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