The World’s Top Sagittarius Models…

Scroll down for a full list of Sagittarius models.


Travel In Style With A Sun Sagittarius, Model Milla Jovovich…

If you’ve got a bold, bright, colourful set, choose a model with a good dose of Sagittarius energy in her birth chart.

Shalom Harlow Sagittarius Models

Sagittarius Shalom, born 5th December 1973…

Saggy models can carry the craziest outfits and colour combinations, and have an upbeat attitude so will be masses of fun on set.

They’re a super sporty bunch too, so look great in fitness gear.

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Lovely Lara Stone, born 23rd December ’83…

Those born under the sign of the Archer are usually the adventurous type.

You can choose a Sagittarius model for assignments in far flung places – these ladies love to travel to new, exciting foreign lands…

Stellar Sagittarius Models…


☆ Clémence Poésy 30th November 1982 ☆ Chanel Iman 1st December 1990 ☆ Penelope Tree 2nd December 1949 ☆ Tyra Banks 4th December 1973 ☆ Shalom Harlow 5th December 1973 ☆ Bridget Hall 12th December 1977 ☆ Kristen McMenamy 13th December 1966 ☆ Milla Jovovich 17th December 1975 ☆ Stella Tennant 17th December 1970 ☆ Lara Stone 20th December 1983 ☆

modelsGo back to Model Behaviour to see more model’s zodiac signs…

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