Outstanding Taurus Beauty – She’s Neck And Neck…

This is the zodiac sign that rules over the neck, throat and vocal tract!


Sun In Taurus, Nanna Øland Fabricius, A.K.A. Oh Land

The Taurus body part is the thorax, throat, neck – you name it, the trunk is Taurus!

It’s fair to say that this sign has lovely, long, strong necks, or that this area of Tauro stands out in a noticeable fashion…


Sun In Taurus: Linda Evangelista, Cher, Uma Thurman, Verushka.

You’ll often recognise your Taurean sister by a particularly elegant neck, or perhaps it’s appreciable because it’s shorter, and thicker set.

Either way it will usually be a noticeable part of the body, which they should emphasise, or at least be aware of…


As the zodiac sign under Venusian rule, this sign loves luxury, that means gorgeous jewellery that’s expensive.

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As neck ruler, this sign also gets it right with a tasteful necktie, cosy snood, luxe scarf or shawl…–


The –Many Scarves Of Jessica Alba, Sun & Venus in Taurus…

Taurus fashion can definitely veer towards open or slash necked top to display their décolletage. Advice for Taurus? Make the most of your assets and embrace your beautiful neck!

Read more in Astrology And The Body, A Guide To The Zodiac’s Physique


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